Episode 74

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The family stayed for a couple of hours keeping both Joe and Demi company until visiting hours were over. Only Joe would be allowed to stay with Demi and they planned on seeing Maya again before bed time but they knew she wouldn't have changed. They just prayed that she will stay healthy and continue to grow so she can be the same weight as her brother when he was born. They hoped that they could both go home at the same time but they knew Maya was going to be here for a good couple of months. The first months of her life are being spent in a hospital.

"Joe can you go home and see how the boys are?" Demi questioned looking over at her boyfriend who was sat on the couch reading a newspaper.

"Are you sure?" Joe questioned Demi nodding her head.

"I'll be fine here." She replied Joe standing up giving her a kiss on her lips before he left the room. He knew he needed to talk to Steph about their situation and couldn't see a better time. Then he would go home and spend some time with Jayden and Isaac.

Joe didn't even crack a small smile when Steph wondered over taking a seat opposite him in a diner. He just wanted her out of his life if he was being honest but he knew now if she really was carrying his baby they would be seeing a lot more of each other. That baby was still his child, his daughter and he would be there for her whether he was fond of her mother or not.

"Is the baby really mine?" Joe questioned.

"All the dates add up to when we were dating, I don't see how she can be anyone else's." Steph explained Joe sighing. 

"I want a DNA test done when she is born to prove she is mine, I'm not being there for a child until I'm certain that they are mine." Joe stated.

"Are you trying to accuse me of something? How do you know these twins you are talking about are yours?" Steph questioned back.

"Because Demi would never cheat and I know she hasn't even been in a relationship for years." Joe argued, he would stick up for Demi. She was the girl he loved and she was the girl who had helped him get over Grace, she was the one who gave birth to their daughter less than a day ago and he could really see himself spending the rest of his life with her.

"Yeah whatever, this baby is yours because I would never cheat on you either." Step spoke a little calmer laying her hand on her bump.

"Have you got a name yet for her?" Joe inquired.

"I was thinking Maya but you're welcome to have a say." Steph explained.

"Well you can't use that because that's the name we picked out for our daughter." Joe ordered, there was no way if this baby was his she'd have the same name as her half sister.

"Our baby will be born first." She argued.

"My daughter is already born, she was born early hours of this morning. Demi was only twenty three weeks along." Joe explained.

"I'm sorry to hear about that but this baby is yours and we'll sort out a name when she is born but I would love for you to be around so she can have her dad." Steph expressed Joe sighing. He knew he wanted to be around but he couldn't imagine what Demi's reaction would be to all this. He would always pick his children first though and if this baby was his she would come before Demi. His children were the most important people in the world and that counted for Jayden and Isaac too. They were his boys.

"I want to be there, I just want prove too," Joe began."I have to get home then back to the hospital, keep in touch about the baby." Joe got up saying goodbye to her before leaving but he knew the problem wasn't sorted yet and he knew that it would take some doing getting sorted. 


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