Episode 81

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"Daddy what's wrong?" Jayden questioned when he noticed Joe crying but Joe got up walking off, he didn't want the boys seeing him crying. It would give them a reason to be upset and that's not what he wanted. Demi watched as Joe walked away knowing he was heading back towards the car, she leaned down kissing Jayden's hair assuring him that Joe was okay and that he was just sad. She left him for a couple of minutes just so he could think things over before she looked at her boys.

"Boys will you be okay here if I go see daddy?" Demi questioned the two of them nodding their head. She got up asking if a life guard could just watch them from a distance and see to them if anything went wrong. It would be a good thing to just leave  them alone, see how they could cope and see if they could do it. She made her way through the car park to where she knew the car was parked seeing Joe in the back seat his head in his hands. She climbed into the other side scooting over to she was in the middle and next to her boyfriend.

"I didn't want them see me cry." He mumbled Demi nodding her head taking his hand away from his face, his free hand came back down too and to his lap. 

"I just want you to talk to me, tell me what's going on." Demi stated leaning up kissing his cheek gaining the taste of his salty tears.

"I-I don't want to lose her, I love her so much." He cried. Demi knew somewhat it was going to be worse for him to get over, she was his first child and it was heartbreaking to lose any child but your first is always special. No  matter how much he loved Jayden and Isaac Maya would always be his first child. It had all just got to him.

"I know you do and she knows it, she wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for all the love she is getting every day." Demi answered.

"I want her to live, I want her to be a daddy's girl so I can do all the things a father should with his daughter." Joe explained.

"And you'll get to do those things because Maya is going to make it though this, think positive Joe or she will feel as if her daddy doesn't have any faith in her. She loves you so much and wouldn't want you crying over her," Demi encouraged squeezing his hand. "Now let's go have a good time with the boys cause they deserve some time after everything that has been going on, put your happy face on otherwise I'll have to force the boys to burry you alive." Demi grinned making Joe suppress a small chuckle wiping away the last of his tears.

"Are you okay?" Isaac questioned Joe as his parents came back on the beach. Joe nodded his head lifting him up, he was a little big now to be held for long but Joe didn't mind, Isaac embraced him into a hug making Joe and Demi smile. It was strange to believe that Maya could be as big as they were one day.

"I'm fine, you want to go back in the sea?" Joe questioned putting him back down.

"Yeah!" Jayden exclaimed Joe taking their hands as they ran down towards the sea. Demi smiled sitting down on a deck chair laying her hand down on her bump. She began watching Joe as he had a good time with Jayden and Isaac splashing water at each other trying to avoid the other children in the water but soon enough a bunch of kids had ganged up on Joe. It was just nice for Demi to see them all having a good time, summer was nearly over and it was clear that families were soaking up the last of the sun before schools started again.

"See you just need to let lose." Demi grinned when Joe trudged back over soaking wet from the splashing war he had just been in slumping down on the towel next to her chair.

"Yeah I don't want kids anymore." Joe joked making Demi laugh.

"I don't think you have a choice anymore." Demi teased.

"I love you." Joe tilted his head back so he could see her.

"I love you too." Demi replied.  


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