Episode 73

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Joe and Demi got some rest for a while,  just until about eight o'clock when they were woken up by the nurses wanting to check on Demi and make sure that everything was still okay. Only when they knew Demi was not in any danger they were allowed to go see Maya. They decided to keep both names for their children knowing that they both loved the names, they couldn't see themselves calling their twins anything different. Joe had his hands on the wheelchair as he pushed Demi along. The nurses wanted her to rest as much as possible, anything at the moment could trigger labour off again. Joe pushed Demi through the door thanking the man who held it open for them when their eyes landed on an incubator. They knew instantly that their daughter was in there. Joe pushed Demi over helping Demi stand up so she could see in. Their eyes built up with tears as their eyes landed on her.

"S-She's so small." Demi stammers as Joe wrapped his arms around her waist his hands lying on her bump. He put his chin over her shoulder so he could see his daughter too.

"But beautiful." Joe whispered .

"Yes she is." Demi mumbled. It was hard to look at their daughter being so small, her skin was so red and unwell with being so young. She had a blind fold covering her eyes to stop the sensitivity harming them and her waist was so small it was barley big enough to hold the diaper up. Even with all the faults she looked amazing to her parents.

"Sixth of August her birthday will be next year and hopefully her brother's will be closer to their due date." Joe stated.

"I want her middle name to be Grace." Demi looked behind her slightly able to see Joe at the corner of her eye, she could see the tears in his eyes threatening to fall.

"Thank you." Was all Joe spoke, Demi just cracked a small smile leaning back against him as they both stared down at their daughter admiring how beautiful she was.

Joe and Demi spent nearly an hour with their daughter just being around her hoping that if she heard their voices she would know there is a reason to live. That she would know who her parents were without holding her, she was too small and weak for that yet but the nurse reassured them in a couple of days that they would be able to at least touch her after sanitizing their hands and arms a lot. She was susceptible to infections and illnesses. They reached back at their hotel room where Demi could see herself spending a lot of time to find their families already gathered around waiting for them. Joe begun sharing hugs around the family as Eddie and Dianna helped Demi back up on the bed.

"We just got back from seeing her." Joe explained grabbing  his phone handing it to his mother, her eyes welled up with tears seeing how small her Granddaughter was, much smaller than her oldest when she was small. It wasn't looking good.

"We decided to call her Maya Grace." Demi revealed everyone smiling at the name.

"So my Grandson won't be born anytime soon?" Dianna inquired.

"Hopefully not, if we can help it." Demi replied.

"Is that even possible? For twins to be born months apart?" Nick questioned.

"The doctors said that it's extremely rare but it's happened before. By the time Mason is born hopefully Maya will be the same size." Joe explained everyone smiling at the names. They seemed perfect for their new family members whether they were going to make it or not. Everyone were praying for the four of them. That all of them would make it through this. Denise passed the phone on so everyone could see the little girl who was just hours old. Demi just wanted to see her boys so they could know that she was okay. She knew they were safe with Selena at the moment but they didn't know that she was. They were so excited to be big brothers and neither Joe or Demi wanted to tell them that they might not be bring any babies home. That was their worst nightmare at the moment, that neither Maya or Mason was going to make it.  


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