Episode 37

540 32 3

Thanks for the wishes yesterday, it was just a break up so I'll get over it in time. 


"Take a seat." Demi demanded softly sitting up on her bed being careful of her leg so she was more comfortable. She wasn't looking forward to using crutches when she got out of the hospital but at the same time she was looking forward to leaving the hospital so she could be more independent. She wasn't one for wanting people to do anything for her.

"I feel like a naughty student." Joe joked a bit cracking a small smile when she let out a little laugh but he could see how tired she was and knew she probably just wanted to sleep after he woke her up when he entered the room about an hour ago. He also knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep until she knew all problems were sorted.

"Jayden and Isaac have told me all about what they did at your apartment." Demi stated looking over at him as he looked back at her.

"Ooo yeah I'm sorry about that, I just thought I'd take them if they didn't want to go to the care home. Sorry if that's not what you wanted." Joe spoke not moving his eyes away from her, Demi couldn't help but smile, she could see the change him already.

"At first I wasn't sure how happy I was about it but after hearing them getting so excited just by telling me what they did I'm glad you took them. Thanks for doing so and for getting their mind of me, I was terrified that they thought I had died." Demi confessed.

"I'll admit they had asked me several times whether you had but I reassured them that you were going to be okay. They are good boys and to be quite honest I was glad when your parents turned up, they wore me out!" He exclaimed Demi laughing.

"They must get that from their father because they don't get it from me," Demi joked Joe the one who laughed this time. "I would love it if you stuck around, I think it will be hard for you not to be in their life now. They need some form of male bond and they seemed to have picked you."  Demi expressed looking over at him again.

"Yeah I think I'd be lucky to escape now," They both laughed. "Thanks though, I'll let you sleep and we'll take them to the park or something."

"Thanks." Demi mumbled slightly laying her head down on the pillow. Joe smiled not saying another word. He just left the room quietly shutting the door behind him carefully.

"Hit it!" Joe encouraged as he threw the baseball gently towards Isaac who swung the bat just at the right time, the ball flew through the sky but not too far as he was still just a boy. Jayden and Joe cheered Isaac having the biggest smile on his face watching the ball as it dropped to the ground just behind where Joe and Jayden were standing. "Alright it's my turn." Joe stated picking the ball up behind him passing it to Nick who was watching from not far away then taking the bat from Isaac standing a further away than he did. They were at the house where they grew up in knowing they had a spacious garden they could play baseball in rather than watching like they going to.

"I bet you can hit it far!" Isaac exclaimed.

"Just you watch little guy," Joe took his stance, "Give it to me bro."

"Aren't you standing a little too far away?" Nick teased.

"As if! I've always been better at baseball than you Nicholas!" Joe bragged, Nick just shook his head willing to fight back.

"I think you're confused, I was the one on the team at school not you." Nick smirked when he didn't reply to him knowing that he had won.

"Just throw the ball!" Jayden demanded the two men laughing Nick throwing the ball towards Joe who hit it just at the wrong time, the ball went up and behind him bouncing on the concrete behind him then up again through the garage window.

"I swear those boys are bringing the child out in him." Denise complained to Dianna and Eddie as they watched from the kitchen window out in the garden at the four boys laughing.


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