Episode 56

439 31 2


"Joe can you come back? It's getting late." Demi begged for the third time but he was determined he would find Isaac before he settled down for the night. It was nearly midnight and Demi had already told everyone to stop looking for him and go home, she wanted her son back just as much as they wanted to find him but she didn't want any of them getting hurt just for her. The police were still looking for him, searching all the places he might be and all of his favourite places but there was no luck. They had presumed by now that someone had taken him. Demi could hear Joe's heavy breathing on the other line as Joe rushed through the streets his eyes wide open to see if he could see the boy he now saw as his own son.

"I need to find him Demi." Was all he said, she could hear the determination in his voice. She knew it was going to be hard to convince him just to come home.

"And I need you here with me where I know your safe, I can't lose you as well. Jayden can't even get to sleep because he's so scared, come home." Demi begged tears threatening to fall as she looked over at Jayden laid on the sofa bed a duvet covering his body, his eyes were closed but Demi knew he wasn't sleeping because of how fidgety he was being. It took some convincing but Demi hung the phone up after Joe promised he would be home in the next hour. She laid down on the sofa bed next to Jayden allowing him to snuggle into her chest hoping he could get just a bit of sleep. Everyone was just worried for Isaac.

Joe entered the house within the hour like he had promised Demi over the phone. He set the flashlight on the side near the door slipping his shoes off before wondering into the living room where he knew Demi would be. She didn't want Jayden to leave her eyesight. She knew if Jack had Isaac he would be coming for Jayden as well wanting both his sons. He took her to court when they were two to get some custody of them but it didn't go his way.

"Is he sleeping?" Joe whispered as he walked over kneeling down so he was facing both of them, Demi nodded her head gently smiling as he leaned over pecking her lips then Jayden's head. "Get some rest, I'm just gonna take a shower."

"I don't think I could sleep." Demi admitted.

"Just try at least, I won't be long." Joe pecked her lips again before he made his way upstairs where he knew he had some clean clothes. He practically lived here now.

Joe and Demi were sat on one of the chairs after Joe had his shower, Demi tried to sleep but when he came back down she was still wide awake caressing Jayden's hair. Demi was sat now on Joe's lap playing with the top of his shirt as he played with a strand of hair, the room was silent both of them deep in thought about what Isaac could be doing right now. Whether he was still actually alive but they tried not to think about that too much.

"Why wasn't Jack aloud to see the boys?" Joe broke the silence seeing Demi's chest rise as she took in a deep breath like a sigh.

"I don't really want to talk about him, he has my baby." Demi mumbled.

"I just want to know what I'm dealing with if I bump into him." Joe stated but Demi didn't like the idea of her boyfriend bumping into her ex lover. He had changed since she had met him, a lot and not in the good kind of way.

"You'll be dealing with a horrible man who just wants revenge by me." Demi explained laying her head on his chest the steady beat of his heart calming her down a little bit. She couldn't think of anyone else she would want to support her through this then Joe. He had been amazing since Isaac ran away since what seemed like days ago.

"I just want you to sleep." Joe demanded knowing that it wasn't good for his children if she stayed awake but it didn't take long for him to hear soft snores coming from just below him.


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