Episode 16

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Denise got out of the car locking it behind her. She wondered up the path as she stared at the house she raised her four boys in, she remembered each time she brought her newborn boys up this path in a bundle of blankets as they slept against her chest but they were all grown up now. She was looking forward to being a Grandmother, she missed having babies around. She entered the house closing the door behind her only to be met in the hall by her second eldest son, she remembered his birth more than the others. It was her anniversary with her husband and his younger brother came not long later.

"What did she say?" Joe questions Denise sighing taking his hand leading him through into the living room where they both took a seat on the couch.

"Joe that isn't Grace, her name is Demi but I am with you that she does look a lot like Grace," Denise explained handing him the picture back. "You need to stop seeing her Joe, your slowly getting at her and she just wants a safe home for her boys. You need to understand that Grace died and she isn't coming back." She wanted to be harsh with him and see if that would bring him back to reality, she had been soft with him before which didn't seem to be working. This was the only other option she could think of at the moment.

"Who's Demi?" Joe inquired.

"The girl you've been seeing Joe." She will now admit he was starting to scare her and she had no idea what to do with him anymore. He needed serious help and that was something she couldn't give him, she needed to convince him to see a doctor but that would be harder to do than to get him to believe Demi wasn't Grace.

"No that's Grace mom, I think you're the one who needs to see the doctor," Joe stated leaning back on the couch folding his arms over his chest. "Why doesn't she like me? Why won't she speak to me? You were meant to be finding that out."

"Joe will you come with me? I want to take you to a doctor, they will help you understand more what's going on. It will help you, I promise." Denise begged.

"No mom I'm not seeing some doctor, I'm not crazy!" Joe screamed as he got up making his way out of the house. Denise sighed this time leaning back against the couch.

"Looks like they are having fun." Selena states as she sat on the bench next to her best friend watching as the identical boys play on the climbing frame. They soon got bored of the sandpit but it was a little windy today, Demi had already had to comfort Isaac as he cried when the wind blew some sand in his eye. Isaac was the fussier one of the boys.

"That makes two of them." Demi mumbled sighing sitting up on the bench a little more making sure that her eyes were on her boys at all times.

"Demi stop blaming yourself for this, it's not your fault you look like this girl." Selena reassured laying her hand on her thigh.

"I know it's not my fault but I can't help but feel bad for him. Just by looking at the picture you could tell they were close and she had a tragic death, I kind of just want to pretend to be her so he doesn't have to be hurting anymore." Demi admits.

"That would just make the situation worse Demi and you know that." Selena lectured slightly Demi sighing putting her head in her hands.

"I know, I wish I could have the normal life for once." Demi murmured trying to look a little happier when Jayden and Isaac ran over.

"Mommy can we have ice cream?" Jayden inquired they both fell down to the grass beginning to play with the blades.

"How about I buy you one before we leave then you can eat it on the way home?" Selena reasons the two boys quick to nod their head. Demi smiled lifting Isaac up on her knee when he stood up reaching for her.


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