29 - Our little happy ending

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(Jasmine's POV)

The sound of the birds tweeting to the morning sun as I laid in bed with blissful dreams. I heard a slight creek from the door and something sweet came wondering down and kissed my cheeks. "Good morning baby," he said in a tender tone. I mound slightly and tossed to my side.

"Not now honey" I replied to him, and I could hear him walking away. Not too long though, I felt something hop on the bed and started bounding me awake.

"Get up Mummy, today's the day!" Came another voice that I know all too well. Using the energy around us, I lifted her up and tossed her off the bed.

"Emily, not now. Let mummy sleep," and I could hear her grumble about something before leaving. Finally, some peace and quiet. However, what happened next scared me. It was faint, but there were little footsteps in the background. I opened my eyes slightly to see four shadows in front of me. My eyes widened as they came closer and I was crushed under tons of weight.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!" I yelled at the only four that could do this to me. Stefan hugged me from behind, while Emily, Josie and Taylor where in front of me or on my side. They smiled at me, knowing that they have done what they planned. Stefan kissed my neck that caused me to bring out my blushed cheeks. Once everyone got off me and I got changed out of my dressing gown, we made our way to the dining area.

It has been fifteen years since that day, when I was attacked. If you don't remember, Emily is my eldest daughter. After her birth, I passed out and that was when I met my sister. She told me a few things that I needed to know. I may not have mentioned this before, but she told me a little more history about the Pandora Heart and how in the past it used to be normal. But if twins were born, the youngest would have to die, so something happened back then that caused us to be what we were. Besides this, there were more other things she told me, like how Heaven is based on order, if I was meant to die, they would do anything to kill me. Well that was easy enough to know, but taking it far like fifteen years ago, was something I never knew that would do. But that is all I can say for now. After Emily's birth, I had been feeling sick for a while, but then slowly became better. A year later, I was pregnant again, but with twins this time. Josie and Taylor were their names. After their birth, nothing really happened to me or them, besides that fact that I was tired from all the work, but those two are really a pain. With three kids to raise, was kinda easy, if they weren't hyper or fighting, but this is what you get when you give birth to three kids.

We had out moments, but really, we ended up loving them somehow, even when they can't forget about the past. It was only one time and it was kind of a misunderstanding for what happened. Let's just say that it involved a little vacation at this hot spring place in the Underworld, and there was this sauna that we tried out. We started talking, then it was kissing.... but before it could go any further, Emily saw us and started yelling, "Mummy and Daddy are having sex in the sauna!" and more other stuff happened that made them not forgetting about. It was embarrassing, but Stefan was more disappointed than anything. But yes, this is our little family of crazy.

Emma, before I forget, Emma is no longer a maid here anymore, she is a Queen now. The guy that was hitting on her at the wedding, he was the Prince of time, where time is slower than the human world. He is a God too, but most Gods choose where they stand, like Master Blade; he is the God of war. He fights for his own reason, and in order to do that, he needs to be free. Even Stefan himself is a God. In the past, the Devil once lived along with the gods, when war struck, they fought against each other for years upon end.

Anyways, Emma and I are Queens now; we have our role in this world. Children have been brought up a few times, but is not quite sure if they are ready. But I can't wait to see the new born baby.

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