20. Goodbye...

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 (Jasmine POV)

 It was faint but I could still hear it. Stefan’s voice… his tender voice…


And with that, light came through and broke through the dark smoke. When I opened my eyes, I was in the bedroom where I saw Stefan, or at least what I think it was.

“Jasmine. Will you marry me?”

I got up from the bed and went to Stefan. Once we where face to face, I grabbed his sleeve and cried on he’s chest.


“I miss you”

“I miss you too”

“Come back to me my love”


He slowly began to vanish from my grip. I tried to hold on to him, but it was too late. I fell to the floor and held the empty air. As I got up, I walked outside feeling really pissed off and the person I was looking for was not Rose, but something else, something….

Something that wasn’t human.

 (Stefan POV) 

Jasmine had finally calmed down, but the fact that something is going to happen to her, scars me. I went back to the great hall to ask the priestess about this odd black smoke that was around her. She didn’t know ether. She said that there is no way that it could be possible for anyone to perform that kind of spell. This spell was performed by my great, great grandfather, but even with that, it requires 100 souls. So how the fuck did 100 souls made its way to Jasmine?

As I was walking back to the castle, AGAIN!, I saw Jasmine running towards me and jumped into my arms. What was going on? Is she back to me? I looked into her eyes, nope, they are still dead.

Emma came running after her, “Stefan! Thank you for stopping her” she said all puffed out. “When she finally opened her eyes, she was looking for you.” I looked down at Jasmine who was now hugging me and leaning agents my chest. I rubbed her little head and her breathing became more stilled and eases.

 As we walked back, Emma said in a almost pissed off, but really happy tone, “So when are you getting married?” I looked at her then at Jasmine.

“Why do you want to know? I don’t even know if she said yes.”

“But she kinda did.”

“She was dreaming, she could have said yes to something else”

“But she respond when you say you missed her”


I couldn’t think of anything that would have helped me. Emma smiled widely in victory, knowing that she has won this round.  Even though I would like to say that it isn’t true, I would be lying to not only myself, but also our love.

When I put Jasmine back to bed, I went to the library and did some research about this. The weird smoke, the memory locket, and also this dark feeling I have when I am around her. Even though the priestess says that she doesn’t know what it is, I can still find a way to save her. I have to save her. She has to come back to me. Because she is mine and mine alone.

(Jasmine POV)

 I was walking down the dim hallway, opening doors and busting through rooms like a mad man, I keep getting madder and madder, knowing that I will die here and the only thing I get to hear from Stefan was “Will you marry me?” and “I miss you” and “Come back to me”, who in their right mind will leave someone that fucking hot. Fuck, I am pissed, FUCK!! 

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