Bonus [Safire's Dairy]

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I never once talked about my life before. Never talked about it before within my life, but I think some of you needs to know, like how I become Pandora Heart. I don’t know how to explain it, but maybe I should start from the beginning. Unlike most new born babes, me and my little sister, when we were born, we die. It was no miracle nor is it the work of god, but once they were about to send us away, we started crying. The doctor says it might have been the work of god, but some thought that it was witch craft. Growing up with parents looking at you like you are a freak, made the both of us lonely; but we had each other. As time flies by, we become much more active, but that is normal for a teenager. Me and Ruby, we fell in love with a certain person in our lives. My lover is a bright, lovable person; his crimson eyes give a warm felling, like he is setting fire deep inside. The darkness of his hair reminds me of the night sky, so clean and settled. That smile of his, oh how it brings butterflies in my smack and dance along with the boringness of my soul, his name is Jake. I love him so much, and Ruby loves her man too. She tells me that he is a garden angel that is sent down from above just for her.

Like us girls, we tend to get a little carried away with our little conformations now and then, but nothing that you should know. One day, we kept on talking about our boyfriends; we decided to do a double date. Yeah it was sudden, but there was no other way we can see each other’s boyfriends. They had no picture to show us what they look like so we only describe them for what they look like, so we thought that it was okay. I mean, they are similar within personalities so they might get along.

I was wrong.

The day of our double date, me and Ruby when to this nice restaurant and waited for our dates. First, Jake came and he sat with us and waited for Ruby’s boyfriend. Once her boyfriend came, the air changed into a dark assents. The blond head, sparkling blue eyes, with a healthy glowing skin, started to run towards us. He grabbed Jake and punched him in the face.


Jake rubbed the blood from his face and looked at the man with discuses. I ran over to Jake and death glare at the man in front of me.

“Luke, what is the meaning of this?” Ruby said in an angry tone. You never see her angry and by the way she looked, you may thing she never yells.

“Ruby, who is this guy? Why did he punch my boyfriend?” They guy look at me with surprise and then fixed his eyes on me to.

“This guy is my boyfriend, Luke. And the reason he punch your boyfriend is unknown.”

“I punched him because he is a conniving little demon and it will be best if you just leave him now, while you still have the chance.” Jake glared at him evilly and just smirked before he spoke.

“What about you? Isn’t your kind the same when it comes down to humans? You used them to your bidding and once their ‘destroys’ or whatever you call it, comes to an end, don’t you just kill them off and blame someone else.” My eyes widen, what are they talking about? I looked down at Jake, and then looked at Luke. What is going on? Luke walked over to me and grabbed me by the neck and started strangling me.

“LUKE! LET HER GO NOW!!” my sister yelled and tried to rip his grip away from me. Jake got up and did the same, and everyone at the restraint tried to help as well, but there was no luck. Jake even tried to bash him up, but his grip just got even tighter.

“Ruby, I love you, but I can’t kill you. It’s rather you or her. I wanted to find another way to save both of you, but this is the only way. I want it to look like an accident, but I can bring myself to do it. Until now. I will show you who I am and why I am doing this.” My vision became blurry and I could barely breath. I was scared out of my wits, but after awhile, I started to lose feeling. Darkness conveyed and something… something hot started up. I couldn’t remember much of what had happened, but I keep hearing screams and shouting of somewhat. When I opened my eyes again, and Jake held me in his broad, muscular arms. The smell of smoke and blood filled my nose. When I tried to look around, Jake looked down and hugged me tightly. He was crying with bloody tears. I wanted to ask what was going on, but my voice hurts like hell.

“What are you going to do now? Run away?” I turned my head slightly to see Luke holding Ruby.

“I am not a cold hearted basted like you. I am going to take her far away from here, from you.”

“You saw what she could do.”

“And what about you? What are you going to do?”

“I am going to save her…by killing her. No matter how far you run, no matter how far you will go I will find her and I will kill her. I am not going to let her go”

“Neither will I” And with that, everything changed. I blacked out again and when I woke up, I was in the underworld. Jake told me about how I used some sort of power and almost destroyed the whole town because of it. I was terrified; I thought that I killed some of the town’s people and that I might have even killed my sister. However, my sister did the same as well. Soon after, we realized that my heart has been crystallized, and I thought that maybe my sister was the same. And of cause, I got pregnant. Yeah, I know what you saying, “Isn’t the child going to have the Pandora heart?” well, no. At least, that’s what I think. Pandora heart is a very special type of artifact that can’t really be told. I don’t know if it brings misery or happiness. Either way, it is a mystery.

When I was about three months pregnant, I snuck out of the underworld and when to the human world. The times look different, but for some odd reason, it remains the same. I found my sister, wondering around the area like what I was doing. I went up to her and with surprise, she jumped and hugged me. I also realized the she was also pregnant like me. We talked for a bit and it felt like it was the good old days. Her and Luke, they had a rough start when the insurgent happened, but they were able to sort it all out. We are both scared about our child coming into this world, and the fact that we will become mothers soon. “Safire; we can run away from all of this. We can look after each other and our unborn children. I don’t care how far we go, or how long it will take us, but we need each other. We only have each other. Every day I am scared that something might happen to you, and every day, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to see you. Come with me.”

I was speechless; I couldn’t say much of anything. Now that I think about it, we truly only have each other. Our parents where never there for us and when we where sacred, we would always find each other. I thought about us running away. Us looking after each other, running all over the world and when we die, we would die with a smile on our faces. And if we got caught, then at least we would have fun while it lasted.”

So what do you think I chose?

“I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

And with those simple words, Ruby left me. She did say that maybe I was afraid or terrified that they might find me or take my baby away. But to tell you the truth, I don’t really know anymore. I thought that maybe I could do it, but it never worked. After that, I returned to the underworld and got ad ear full from Jake, but he forgave me. Now here I am, writing about my life. I doubt that anyone would be able to find this, but if anyone does, then I want you to know something. The war that everyone was fighting over, it started because of me, and I am hoping that in some other time line or some other damnation, I hope that the next line that will inherit the Pandora heart, I hope that you can end this feud between these two worlds. I am afraid that I won’t be able to see my sister, but where ever she is, please forgive me and thank you for everything that you have done for me.


HEYA!!!! :D

Sorry for the long post again. i had alot of things going on and I keep putting this off. Again, I am sorry.

The reason of why I Safire's dairy in it is because, well, i have no idea how i can put it in so if you what to know well, here you go.

The next Chapter will be posted up very soon and i will say this at least, it will be a BIG surprise.

I do't have much to say but thank you for reading. Commet & Vote for me and i will see you next time. :) :) :)

~Jazzy208 OUT

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