9. My best friend

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I was having a nice long, hot bath. It has been about a month since I left home to find Stefan. I can’t believe it’s been that long. I was going to get up to go when one of the maids walked in. I hid under the water to cover my ‘privet’ places. She looked at me oddly, “are you ok my lady?” well, I don’t really like it when someone walks in when I am having a bath; “well, I was…”

She placed a new pair of cloths for me, along with some towels. Before she left, she turned around to look at me, “my lady, today for lunch, I will be making you leman soufflé with Oolong Tea” I looked at the maid and I wondered why she looked so…. Angry?

“Why are you so angry? Are you having a bad day or something?” I said with a ‘what’s wrong’ look. “I just don’t understand, that’s all my lady”

“What don’t you understand?”

“Not to be offensive or anything but I don’t understand way you and Stefan are together. You are a human and you will hurt the master one day. I am just worried about him, that’s all.”

“Why would you say that? I love Stefan with all my heart so-”

“BECAUSE YOU ARE HUMAN!!!!...I am sorry my lady, that will never happen again”

she left the room, leaving me in silence. So she hates the fact that I am human. Have all the other servants felt the same way. I got out of the bath and walked over to the cloths and towels. I grabbed the towel and dried myself off and then got my underwear and bra then put my shirt on as well as my skinny jeans.

I walked out of the bathroom and when to the bed and fell on it. I thought back to what the maid said to me about me being human. What was the history about this anyways? What have I done to them? I laid there in my thoughts when I heard the door open. “Your still here? I thought that you might e having lunch by now.” I look to see Stefan coming in from the door. He looked like he had stayed up studying like his life depended on it. “Stefan! You look like hammered shit” (A/N: sorry, I had too >w<) he ran his fingers down his golden hair, pulling away the strands of hair that was in his face. “Well, because I was in the human world for so long, I didn’t have time to study, so now I am doing a whole heap of caching up. Anyways, why are you still here?” I looked into his crystal blue eyes of his, “well, you know, I just not that hungry” I lied. “Jasmine, you know that’s a lie, you are feeling stress, why not you tell me what’s bothering you?”  I put on a confuse look, trying my best not to show him my ‘lying’ face. “What are you talking about and I am not stress” he put his hands on his hips and sighed “Baby, when you swear, there is only two reasons for that. One, when you are stress, and two, when you have ice cream. Since you didn’t have ice cream, then that means you are stress.” “How could you tell that I didn’t eat any ice cream?” He raise an eyebrow to me “really… you go so hyper, that at some point’s, I thought that you had drugs running though your system” my mouth dropped. I do not go that high…. Do I?

I looked at Stefan and I couldn’t help but tell him. “What happened that case some people to hate me?” Stefan looked… I don’t know what. He just stopped smiling all of a sudden and looks like nothing. There was no emotion on his face. He took a deep breath and said,

 “Human and demons have lived together once, long ago. When the angel’s came, the demons where seen as evil and then soon enough, a war broke out. No one wanted anyone to be hurt, sadly, the war was right between our worlds. We fought in the human world more the once, and many people have died because of us. Because the human where afraid and scared of dying, they ended up killing us. The war never ended, not even now. We tried not to bring anyone into this fight, fearing for their life. I don’t care what people have thought about us, but we are true and loyal to the human. To some human’s, it was nothing but a dream, illusion but for us, it is history to be remembered by. This battle is known as ‘The Battle of Odin’ (Ordeal driving inner Nature). Because of this, world’s natures have been divided into two groups; one of freedom and that other in order. We resemble Freedom and show other’s what it means to live your life freely and taking thing in their own hands. Heaven is known as for the order they have, telling people what here destiny would be and how it will turn out. Some people know this and other’s… other’s thought that heaven was a safe place. ‘The Battle of Odin’ has not yet has ended, but I am sure it will end soon.”

My mouth dropped. I never have thought that it might have been like that. So… she was mad at me because of this. Because of the fact that I would be using Stefan so I could kill him like the people that killed all the demons before me. I wanted to show her that I mean no harm. I got up and kissed Stefan on the cheek “thank you” and left the room.

I ran around the castle, looking for her. When I turn around to the corner, I saw her coming my way. “Excuse me” I said, she looked up to see me in surprise and a hint of anger in her eyes, “what is it that you want my lady? Did you get lost again? The bedroom is—” “I just wanted to say that I will not hurt Stefan EVER!!! I love Stefan and I will die for him, so please… please don’t hate me” she looked at me, examining me, wondering if I was telling the truth. For awhile, she sighed and put her and on my shoulder, I looked you to see her eyes “I know… it’s just that because you are human, I thought that you might not feel the same way he does”. Wait… WHAT!?!?! I thought…. The war…. WHAT!!! I looked at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. “Ssoooo…. You where worried because I don’t feel the same way as he does?” “Yes. You see, I care for he like his mother and I kinda loved him too but I am his maid and that is okay. Besides, I think you and Stefan look cute together ” I am such an idiot, I dropped my head to hide my embarrassment.

(>///[]///<) FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THE THINGS THAT ARE FUCKING HOLY!!! How was I supposed to know that she was worried because of that?

“What wrong my lady” said the maid, I looked up “tell me that you are worried about his love life first before you leave me” I said in a whinny tone. She started laughing then had a beautiful smile on her face “sorry”. We walked and talked and we found out a lot of things like, Stefan hate’s carrots, when Stefan was little, he said he wanted to be a fairy and when he is asleep, tell him any types of food and he will be eating it in his dream. Hahaha We had a fun time together. “Hey, what is your name?” I asked (yeah, I never asked her name when we were talking)

“My name is Emma, what about you?”


“Well, it’s nice to meet you lady Jasmine”

“Please, just Jasmine is fine”

“Okay… Jasmine”

That night, I woke up in the middle of the night with Stefan next to me (yeah, me and Stefan are sleeping in the same bed, don’t think dirty) his face was peaceful. I bend down and whispered something in his ear, “Chicken” I looked at his mouth moving in a motion that looked like he was eating. I laughed and whispered more food in his ear, “Ice cream, mice and cheese, bacon, eggs” I couldn’t stop laughing then… “Carrots” he had an unpleasing face. Oops, I forgot he hate’s carrots. The next morning, Stefan said that he had a bad dream but couldn’t remember what it was about; I just kept my mouth shut and hope that he didn’t know.



Sorry for the LONG post, but here i am with another part. My internet was down and i has assessments to finish but NOW i am have NO SCHOOL :D for only 2 weeks.

For those 2 weeks, i will be writing my story and also sleeping in.

Anyways, Chapter 10 will be something else. If you think you know Jasmine, let's see what 'Other' secrets, her family is hidding. (Just so you know). I am also thinking re-doing my story again but i am too lazy, but if you think i should, tell me and i will get my lazy ass off the couch and do it. But if this laptop crashes before i could finish it, then i will have to.

Anyways, thank you for reading and i will see you next time. Don't forget to Comment and vote for me too. unil next time ^.-

~Jazzy208 OUT

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