16. Nate

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(Jasmine POV)

It has been about a day since the whole thing happened. Wolf said that now that Stefan will be the new king and all, he wanted him to meet his lover. Still, I don’t know who it was. I wanted to meet her, but Wolf told me that he would soon. Wolf is like a brother to me so, I FUCKING WANT TO SEE HER!!!! I don’t even know if she is good enough for him.

After I had breakfast, I went to the shops with Emma. Emma want to get something called a “pocky”. She said that there was a game that she wanted to play with it and since pocky was mainly in the human world, she wanted to get some so she could teach me and Stefan to do it. To be honest, I am actually looking forward to it, even though I don’t know how to play it.

Anyways, we went to the shops and she got her pocky and other stuff that we needed to make dinner. As we were walking home, I saw a guy with black and blue hair with purple highlights going through it. He had black skinny jeans and a pink shirt with a hello kitty on the front, he also had this cool locket on him.

I liked his hair and locket; I don’t know why this go my attention, but he looked really cool. That was until the bag he was carrying broke. He bend down to pick up all the food that he had brought. I couldn’t help myself and went over to him and helped him.

 He looked up at me and with surprise, he started sweating bullets. “I-I’m so sorry. I can do it by myself”. He kept on trembling and sweating, but when I picked up the apples, he looked at them and then I handed it to him, “if you think I am going to hurt you, you can run, but I don’t know how to get this to you” he looked back at me then smiled.

Since his bag broke, I asked Emma to go back to the mansion. Me and Nate (the boy with the cool hair and locket) ended up carrying all the food.

We talked about random things like, how old we are? Where we lived? If I have a boyfriend? Was I bullied?  There was a lot.

What I found out about him, is that he is gay and FYI, I freaking love gays. One of my class mates is gay and his boyfriend came into the classroom and kissed him and took him out the classroom. It was so adorable.

ANYWHO! He and his boyfriend have been dating for about eleven years now. For me and Stefan, we have been together for about… almost ten years. Even though I don’t say, “I have a boyfriend” or “my boyfriend is SEXY!!!”. As much as I want to be open and all, sadly, this is just who I am.

As we entered his apartment, I set the food on the table for him and said I was off, but before I could say goodbye, he yelled out and I stopped in my tracks.

“Could you help me with something? My boyfriend is bringing his brother over and I don’t know what to cook. Please help me.”

He looked adorable and I said I would.

[An hour later]

We FINALLY finished with the cooking. We made roast chicken, salad, homemade chips and homemade cheese cake for desert. The reason why it took us this long is because we burnt the chicken… a lot. And the cake took awhile and we ended up not putting cream on it because we spilt it and it went everywhere.

Devils Angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें