22. News

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(Stefan POV)

Ever since yesterday, Jasmine has been feeling sick. I believed it was because of the power that entered and left the body. When she woke up, a great power ran through her body, which was probably because of her sister. And the monster, I found out that the monster left her body so it took a great deal of stamina from her. With this, both the time when she killed the monster and the time she was with me, her powers have grown dramatically. I never sensed it before when I met her, but now, the tables have turned. I think it’s because of Pandora’s Heart. I have examined her daily and her heart has been crystallizing little at a time. This is a good thing because now she is awaking to who she truly is … Okay, I lied there. I am happy because now she is safer than before. You see, the Pandora Heart is well known for its healing ability’s and the power over fire and water, which I might add is a hard element to master. The Heart of Pandora gives her more than that, but she needs to know them first. Even Emma agrees with me when I told her this. Because the power is too much for her, she is pushing all of the things she is not use to, out. However, Emma has something else in mind, but she won’t tell me.

(Emma POV)

Since yesterday, I have been keeping a good eye on Jasmine. I have noticed something that many people don’t even know, Even Stefan. Well, that is because he is a guy, so he won’t understand. I went to see Jasmine at the garden, looking at one of the statues. When she saw me, she smiled lightly, “Hello Emma.” I smiled back and replied with a happy tone so she wouldn’t be worried.

“Hello Jasmine, you feeling alright?” she nods slightly. “I have seen this before … in my dreams I mean. This statue … do you know who it is?” Jasmine said in a puzzling tone.

“That is Queen Safire, also known as the ‘lady of Hearts’. She was called that because she held Pandora Heart within her. She was the one who made the annex to the human world and here. Thanks to her, many people were able to travel safely between the two boarders.” Jasmine looked surprised at the statue. What was going through her mind? Sadly, I was born a half blood, half human, half demon. It was because of my mother, she fell in love and she got pregnant, but sadly, my father died. My mother came back and found out that she was pregnant with me. The king said that when I turn 16, I would work for him, so I was able to stay with my mother. Jasmine put her hand over her mouth and looked like she was about to throw up. But instead, she swallowed it and gave me a look to tell me that she was alright. I wonder if I should tell her now. Then again, her body is probably not responding to most things. For example, humans can go without food for seven day and for water, four days. Because she was asleep for a month, her body was living off the energy around her. Even though she moved around, she refuses to eat. She will only eat when Stefan feeds her. Not only that, she couldn’t go to the bathroom without Stefan being around her.

Jasmine and I walked back to the room. Jasmine laid face down on the pillow and yawned loudly. She had been sleeping a lot more too, now that I think about it. I walked over to her and took the blankets and pulled it up to her. Jasmine opened her eyes and smiled at me. “What is it?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing. Can you keep a secret?”

“Okay.” She got back up and shifted close to me.

“Stefan proposed to me.”

I smiled. “I know.”


“Stefan not only told me about that date, he told me about proposing to you.” Jasmine pouted like a little kid, but then I stared at her with a wide smile on my face. Jasmine looked at me and wondered what I was thinking.

“Did you and Stefan have a fun date?” she blushed madly.

“N-nothing happened. W-we just talked and th-that was it.” I would love to call bluff, but I can tell she is telling the truth, even if she was stuttering. I laughed at her and she soon laughed along with me. Jasmine got up and walked to the dresser table. I went over and untied her hair tie then brushed her hair. Jasmine and I talked about what ever came to our minds.

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