10. Unknown truth: part 1

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(Lucifer POV)

I've heard that Stefan had found himself a girlfriend. I would like to meet her one day, but I don't think Stefan will allow me. As I get up from my bed and walk over to the window; I remember my life ten years ago when I was in the human world, and now here I am, laying in bed, ready to die.

Standing there, I heard a knock on the door, "come in" I said. I turned around to see the door crept open. Before long, I saw glumes of golden hair, popping through my door. "What is it that you want... Stefan?"

"Can you...would you please... what I am trying to say is, please don't hurt Jasmine" I looked at him with a slit smirk on my face. "Now why would you say that?" he looked at me with shock before he frowned. "Because I love Jasmine... and I wish to have your approval on this... I want to marry her" I frown at the word 'marry'. He thinks that 'love' and 'marriage' are the only thing we need to find happens, NO!, envy and lust is the only thing that keeps us going. He knew that I didn't like what I heard, but he did not stop giving me those pleading eyes. "You are asking for my blessings on this 'marriage', you must be an idiot in love". He gowned angry at what I said to him, but he knows that he can't question me. "Fine, but I would like to see this lover of yours" I saw the terror in his eyes flashed. Did he not tell me something that I should know? Well, he might be an idiot, but he is my son and he will not make that stupid chooses like I did in the past.

(Stefan POV)

I never told him that Jasmine is human, but then again, I never told him much about what happened in my life. I didn't want to tell him now, and asking for his blessings for this marriage was not easy. I may not have been around with him since I was little, but the one thing I do know about him, is that he doesn't like humans.

I nodded and told him that I would do what he said, but me and Emma will be together when she come to see him. He agreed and I left him alone in his room. I hated the fact that he hated humans, what did they do to him anyways? Well in any case, I AM GOING TO ASK JASMINE TO MARRY ME ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!! FUCK YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!

(Jasmine POV)

I was in the kitten with Emma and Wolf cooking some deserts. Wolf was planning to go back to the human world but he wants to stay because of his so-called-lover-problem. Yeah, he has a lover in the human world. He told me that his lover is a beautiful and a sweet person, but he never told me his lover's name. I wonder why? Anyways, I wanted to make something for Stefan but I don't know how to cook and Emma's cooking is amazing. I asked her to teach me how to cook like her and Wolf said he needed help to patch things up with his lover.

As Emma was talking to me, Stefan came walking in with a happy/scared face. "JASMINE" he yelled and came to hug me. What the hell is going on? Did he lose his bolt or something? "St-Stefan... what is it? Why are you so happy all of a sudden!?" he squeezed me and almost killed me, "Sir, you are going to kill her... again*" he looked at me then slowly released me from his strong grip. He told me, Emma and wolf about what he was so happy about. He said the he told his father about me and how much we love each other and he said that his father wanted me to see him. I wanted to meet his father, but I was very scared, but somewhere deep within me, it made me feel a little worm. I wonder why? I was jumping up and down for some odd reason but Emma and Wolf's face went into terror.

"Stefan, are you fucking mad" I looked at Wolf with a confuse look on my face, "yeah, Jasmine is way too innocent to meet THAT! I am sorry my lord, but your father is a little on the insanity side of things when it comes down to humans". The talk became darker, and soon enough, I stated to get nerves and scared, because I am human and because it's Stefan's father.


That night, Stefan told me that I will meet his father at lunch tomorrow morning. Wolf decided to go back to the human world, after spending two days with us, he said that his lover must be very worried about him, but then again, it must have been months over there. Now that I think about it, how long dose one month and three days take anyways?



Oh my god, I stayed here for thirty-four days and It must been, I don't know, two years and eight months maybe? I don't know, I hate maths and I wasn't very good at it ether. I turned to look at Stefan with pleading eyes, "St-St-Stefan.... How long did I stay here and how long is it over there?" Stefan turned and looked at me, "I don't know, the times change differently now and then, but I believe it's been two years over there" Stefan looked at me knowing that I haven't been there for a long time and to top that off, I never told my family or friends where I was; only Kate knew that I was with Wolf, but she doesn't know his name and when it comes down to me, she will a destroy anyone that will get in here way, just to find me. But Jane is worse. Her father is the leader of a mafia who, I might add, is on good terms with the police, and they won't care if there is bloodshed, as long that don't do it when people are around. I am not lying either. I meet her father, and since I began being Jane and Kate's friend, Liu had never once, called me names or asked me for money, he just run away. And since Jane and Kate know what Stefan looks like, I don't know if there is going to be just talk or something else. Besides, my mum and dad should be worried sick about me and my Grandmother too.

Stefan signed and put his hand on my head and rubbed it side to side like I was a kid. I hate it when people treat me like a kid, but I didn't care what he did; his hand is like the only thing that made me calm in the mixed up world I lived. As I laid my head on his solders, my eyes became heavy and my breathing became calmer; after that, the darkness took me away, with my lover by my side. I was getting nerves about tomorrow; meeting Stefan's father is going to be something new.

And I know that once I meet him...

Everything that I know will change forever.


Hey everyone.

Sorry for the LONG post, but here I am with another bit. This chapter will be put into parts so i will have alot of fun doing this. I also think that I might have stuffed up on this on as well, so I am sorry if this sounds horrible. Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you soon.

~Jazzy208 OUT

*read the 2nd bonus chaper.

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