6. Into his heart

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Me and Stefan where running around in the meadow; laughing and having fun, it felt like nothing can tear us apart. He stopped and I bumped into him. He held me close to his beating heart and I felt his hands stroking my head, "I love you" he said and I just smiled. He pulled me away and he leaned in for a kiss. I close my eyes and waited for his lips to meet mine, but he never did. I looked to find myself alone in the dark, lonely meadow. "What happened?" I said to myself, "good question" said a voice behind me. I turned to find... me. "Who are you?" I asked, but all she did was smirked at me and started laughing like a mad man, "I am you, as you are me but unlike me, you have found love, and with a devil at that". Her eyes showed hatred in me and she didn't hide that fact that she did. "You should have died that day" she said with a cold tone, and then I felt a pain in my chest, like someone stabbed me. I looked down to see blood coming from my chest and looked up to see her holding a bloody knife. I fell to the ground clinging to my chest, hoping that the pain would leave me. I looked at her one more time to see that she had Stefan in her arms, it made me angry to see her with him, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM" I yelled but the pain in my chest twist and I couldn’t get up and all she did was walk away with him. I kept calling out his name but he was gone.

"NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and hitting something that was in front of me. “OW, OW, OW, OW, IT’S ME, IT’S ME GOD DAMNIT. I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU IN THE ANNEX!” I opened my eyes and looked down to see Wolf carrying me. “Sorry, wait, what happened to me?” “You slipped and fell and hit your head on the staircase inside the annex, you must had a good dream if you where hitting me like that” he said with a goofy smile on his face. I looked around to find myself in a beautiful world. The sky is a clear blue with a few clouds and the grass is glowing with all different shades of green along with bright flowers that light up everything in its path. The trees grow tall that almost looks like it is trying to touch the sky and the fast flowing river crept quietly past the gentle wind that hit my face.

Was this really the underworld everyone was so afraid of going.

As Wolf carried me, I saw up ahead is a big Castile in the centre of the town. The Castile sticks out like a thorn, “Welcome to the Kingdom of the Underworld, home to the most powerful and scary person alive, my father and also soon to be my brother”. Wow, it is impressive, “so Stefan is going to be the king of this kingdom, will that mean he needs a queen any time soon?” I said, come on, can’t I ask, he is my first friends, first love and first kiss and that dream was a sign. “Yes but he has not found anyone except you” I blushed at the thought, but at least he still have feelings for me.

Wolf kept carrying me until we were at the front gates. He sat me down, I was a little wobbly in the legs but I got my bearings and stand up straight. We walked though the happy, cheerful town, it feels like a dream but I couldn’t wake up from it and if it was a dream, then I don’t want to wake up. As we approach in front of the Castile, I was nerves and I couldn’t stop shacking “Wolf, I think I might have a rain check on this” he turned and looked at me, “it is now or never jazz, you will go in there willingly or I can tie you up and drag you with me because I don’t want to talk to my brother and I don’t want to see my father” wow, father problems much. Well, if he is coming with me then I am okay… I hope.

Walking up to the gate, I can feel my heart pound faster and my foot feels heavy, someone please kill me. “Captain Wolf!” I looked to the side to see a man running our way. “Who is that?” I asked Wolf, “an old friend of mine” he turned and waved back. “Long time no see, what bring you here?” “Just came here with jazz to see my stupid brother, aka, here with my sister to be to see my brother” I hit him on the shoulder and he just laughed at me. YOU ARE A JERK WOLF!!!! I hope you die soon. “Jasmine!?!” that voice, I turned and my eyes widen “Stefan…” I was overwhelmed with tears. I started running up to him, “STEFAN!!!!” I yelled with all my might. I jumped into his arms and hugged him “I hate you, you idiot, don’t leave me like that, you idiot!” I couldn’t stop crying and I didn’t want to let him go. Soon, I felt his arms around me and squeezing me tight; “you idiot, you shouldn’t have come here” I felt his worm hands on my back and head. He pulled me away and kissed me on my forehead, “HEY!!!!” we turned to see Wolf “do you lovebirds need a room” I turned away but when I looked at Stefan, he was blushing like mad, Aww, he’s embarrassed. Wait; WHAT!!! “Wolf… would you please… kill yourself” in his tone of voice, I could tell that he hated the fact that he said that.

“Hey now, I brought your bride here and all you do is tell me to kill myself, that’s mean”

“your right… does anyone have a sword?”


“I’m not your mother”

“Do you love my brother?”

“Ummm… yeah /////”

“Then you will be my sister-in-law, in other words, SAVE ME SIS!!!!

Stefan looked at me with wide eyes “you love me?” great, now I want to die. I nodded and he just smiled, “this is not a joke right? You really love me?” I nodded again; I could feel my face burning up and my heart jumping everywhere. I felt his arms rap around me once again, “I’m so happy” that’s what he said as I rap my arms around him. “I don’t mean to interrupted but umm, don’t you want me to get the spear room ready for her sir?” I looked at the soldier who was still here, “no, she will sleep with me” said Stefan,  I was happy….. wait a minute, did he just say, sleep with him??? O///[]///O


Hello again readers, sorry for the long absents but i am here with another chapter. it took me a while but i hope you will forgive me for posting this late. I had Assessments appearing everywhere so I am happy that I am posting this chapter. So thank you for reading and thank you for any votes. Until next time :D

~Jazzy208 OUT~

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