8.Why did you have to go?

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(Stefan POV)

When I woke up, I found myself sleeping next to Jasmine. I gently moved away, trying my best not to wake her. She slowly let go of me as I got up from the bed. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out new clothes and walked to the bathroom. After taking a shower and getting dressed, I walked out to see Jasmine still past out on the bed. I sat next to her and looked at my sleeping beauty. Wait, she’s not mine, she belongs to herself, what am I thinking? As I looked at her, I felt like I should stay a little bit longer until she wakes up. I wanted to tell her so many things that have happened and I wanted to know how she feels when I left. Did she cry? Was she happy? How did she feel? I lifted her hand from the bed side and gently place it on my face. Her hand felt cold and lifeless. I turned my head slightly to kiss the palm of her hand and place it to my hearts, “I, Stefan Von Helsing, will protected you. I will walk through fire, water and I will do anything to keep you smiling, this I swear” as I pledge my loyalty to her, I slowly placed her hand back down on the bed and started to walk out the door. Before I could leave the room, I heard something, “if you want to keep me safe; then tell me why you left?” oops, I guess she was up, but when?

(Jasmine POV)

“If you want to keep me safe; then tell me why you left” yeah I was awake. I was awake when he was having a shower. I looked at him and he look at me (not romantic, more like ‘where the fuck have you been?’ look. You know, grownups talk). He sighed and walked over to me. He sat down on the end of the bed and took a deep breath. “I went to the human world to find someone that stole something from the Castile. I was assigned to find it in the human world, but I haven’t found it, not until three years ago. After that, I was meant to go back but I said “no”. Every time I tried to go home, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Then I heard that my father was sick so, if he died, I would be the one next in line to look after the kingdom along with the people that lived here. There were times I wanted to take you with me but I didn’t know if you wanted me and then I started becoming afraid of your safety. I couldn’t help but spend my last moments with you. And I…. I wasn’t… I wasn’t meant to fall in love with you.”

When he said that, I felt heartbroken. He wasn’t meant to fall in love with me. “Why?” I said without thinking about it. He looked at me with a sad face “because I never meant to save you or even meant you, yet I did” thinking about it, I didn’t feel scared when I was under that bridge. My mum always gets me after school and no one was there to help me or see me because of the rain. Was I really meant to die under that bridge? But… but why? I didn’t do anything wrong. I was a good girl, always listing to the teacher and my parents, I haven’t got into any fight, besides the one with Liu but he was the one who hurt me. Wait, “remember that day when I was getting beaten up by Liu and his friends? Was that also a part of my death or something?”
“No, it was more like punishment for being alive”
“Yup. Because I saved you under that bridge, your fate had changed because you didn’t die, I ended up perfecting you. Every night I would watch over you and every day I would stay by you. Whenever you where scared or hurt, I could hear your voice from a miles away. Even if you don’t say it at all”
“That explains a lot”
“Scared of the dark or lighting or heights, you where always there”
“of course”

We sat there laughing before the silence took a hold of the room. I didn’t want to talk next but I couldn’t help but smile. God wanted to kill me yet Stefan save me not once, but thousands of times. Someone so devastation as he is, I believe that there is a savvier and he is the devil.

(Stefan POV)

As we sat there in silents, I wanted to tell her something but when I turned my head, I saw her smiling face. Seeing her smiling face, made me kill anyone who would get in the way of its beauty. As I look at her fairly pink lips, I was dawned in by them and kiss then without me knowing it. As I got up and marched out the room saying “I’m sorry” 500 times, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS UNHOLY!!!! She might as well e the death of me (-///_///-).

(Jasmine POV)

What just happened? (0///-///0)

Hello my lovely readers. I am sorry for the long post but, here is chapeter umm what was it?... 8. that's right. HAHAHA yeah. Don't forget to commet and vote for me to ^^ so commet if you like this story or Vote if you love me. Also, i got a Suprise for all of you. I am going to put up, are you ready?
A Bonues Chapter just for you guys. 
Tell me some of you guys ideas for Jasmine or Stefan to do. like maybe something funny or something sad. or maybe something like:
Sick day (someone with a flu)
SO don't be afraid and tell me your idea. nothing Sexual (looking at some people) widdening and children will be on hold because i am doing them and the names i have already sorted out. i will also write your name or your Wattpad name if you want me too as well. Anyways, i hope you like this story and i will be back. Love you guys ^^

~Jazzy208 OUT

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