33. After The War

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(Jasmine's POV)

Nine month ago, there was a war. A war between angels and demons. In this mist, the human world had been distorted, leaving nothing but firing flames and decaying living beings; even the water itself had dried out. The world had been cracking and breaking away, leaving nothing behind. But during this time, I had made the biggest mistake I have ever made that not only took me away from my home, but also stripped me away from something important from me. I lost everything, my will to keep going, the future of everyone, my children, my husband, friends, family, and soon I will lose my life.

Back nine years ago, I can barely remember anything, besides my encounter with this man. My mind is still foggy, but the human world, I saw it being remade again, life was being restored, and the war was over. Another thing I remember, someone holding me... and Stefan's sad, angry and horrid face. White and black feathers, the smell of the air turning metal and rack of death, strange arms wrapped around me, the pain in my chest, the cold. I can't say much more than just this, the rest could have just well as been history. Human... their will is strong, powerful, and weak. They lack of something, then they start becoming afraid of that something, or even try to push it away, lie to themselves or even believe that they are that something which they lack of. Life is uncertain and I, as a human being, understand that. We can be what we want, we can make the world as our own; believe in the lies, the hate, malice, we can believe in anything, as long as we don't face it. These are the guilty pleasures in which we ignore, things that make us who we are, things that makes us what we are; these clothes, my hair, where I live, who I love, they are all what make this me. I could have stayed at that school and never met Stefan. I could have died under that bridge. I could even have a family that cared for me. These little things defines us, how we live and where we live. If I wanted to, I could send this world into the abyss and I wouldn't even care. But this is me, this is the me that lives here. I have a husband, children, friends, a family... I have everything that I have ever wanted, and in return, I have to give up something. Humans can only go one way, once alive, they die. There is a reason of why we are here; even if it is something small, or can easily be forgotten, it is something in which we have to do. The simplest thing can make such a difference, rather if it was to move something or to stand on something, the world around us make that possibility happen. Our choses are and have been since the beginning of time, recorded and remembered. Anything can happen.

"Hey, fallen Angel! Lunch," that name, a blessing and a curse. The tray of food slipped underneath the gap of the door, revealing a loaf of bread, a cup of water and a bowl of what I am presuming is stew. I don't really care up to this point; the only thing that I care about was getting out of here and getting as far away from this place as humanly possible. And that opportunity is near.

(Stefan's POV)

It has been nine months since I had last seen Jasmine. From what I could recall, the battle went on and there was no sign that anyone will walk away from this alive. I was fighting this guy and anger rose inside of me, making me wanting to kill him; but that's when she came. Out of nowhere, I saw Jasmine looking radiant and almost god like, but once she opened her eyes, light shined off from her. I was blind for only a few seconds before I felt myself being impaled on my side by a sharp blade. The feeling of it stinging and burning my side brought so much pain and agony, but seeing his smug face caused greater hate. He claimed that she would have been better off as a god then be with someone like me; not my place to say but I know he was wrong, she belong to me. She recreated the human world under her image, or for what I believed, how she remembered it to be. It looked the same as before, but it felt odd in a way; there was something about that world that got me thinking, it felt like her. Her presents lingered around that place as if it was a part of her. As the world was being rebuilt, I couldn't help but to look down at my enemy that looked at her with such greatness and fear. I wanted to rip out his eyes for even looking at her, but the fear wasn't far off from what I was feeling. The fact was that she had the overwhelming power that can destroy everything and also rebuild from nothing but dust. She was everything from what I can see, the meaning, the reason, the end; she is what couldn't have been, but also, a being that couldn't be contained.

Once the world had been restored, I saw Jasmine slowly coming down from the place where she stood. For a moment, I thought that she would turn back, but she only got mad. She turned to us and attacked us both; unable to dodge most of her blows, she kept on going like it was nothing. It was an easy game for her. I was about to be in big trouble when she finally stopped, looked at me for a moment then smiled. She slowly started to calm down as I was reaching out to her, but then completely went black as the guy that I was fighting hit her around the head, knocking her out as he picked her up and held her like a prize.

"She will do nicely as a goddess," he said.

Anger rose inside of me, controlling me. I wanted so badly to take her back, but I was unable to feel my body; I couldn't get back up. I watched helplessly as she was taken away, like smoke between my fingers. What could I do? When she was long gone, I didn't know what to do, she was gone, away from my life. I screamed and cried when I finally acknowledged the loneliness.

As the war drew to a close, many of the people had already figured out what had happened: Jasmine was gone, I was here. After that, everything seemed to fall apart, my children are taking the kingdom right at this given moment, knowing that I couldn't be able to look after anyone. The responsibility was still mine, but the work of rebuilding everything seemed distant to me. I know that as a king I couldn't go back on my word. When saying that, I will look after my people, but the times didn't seem pleasant. I know it has been 9 months now, but it seem like it was yesterday.

I failed her. I was there and I could have done something, but here I was, weeping in my own guilt because I could do one simple thing. I lost all hope a long time ago.

(Emma's POV)

At the final moment, I saw what was going on. I saw Jasmine being taken away, Stefan reaching out for her, crying and screaming for her. Everything was a mess. When the war ended, I thought to myself that I will do anything to bring her back. She was my friend and the only person that I could trust, I had to bring her back. During the 9 months, I have been looking through history in order to find a way to get into the heavens without being spotted. My husband supported me in this research and was grateful for that. He was unable to tell Stefan about our plans and didn't what to put the daughter involved in this mayhem. He didn't want me to get hurt, so I promised him that I wouldn't.

Up about this point, I was so close, until I heard that Jasmine broke free.

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