30 . Protected

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(Stefan's POV)

Ever since yesterday when Taylor met Thor for the first time, I couldn't get over the fact that he would be marrying my baby girl, then again, it was the same with Emily as well. Since Josie came out saying that she was gay, Jasmine had been screaming her head off, saying how proud she was for her coming out to us and that she is very happy for her. Jasmine scared me and Josie that day, but now I am cool with it. I am fine; I am fine, so fine... Okay, she is the only single baby girl I have, why wouldn't I be fine. But knowing her, she will make the right choices in life like all her sisters.

But on the other hand, Jasmine and I had a great time last night, she will kill me when I say it, but come on, there is nothing embarrassing about us married couple doing it. But other than that, everyone had a great night.

As I entered my office, my mind started wondering back fifteen years ago when Jasmine was kidnapped and she was fighting that angel. It happens time to time, but not as much, but I do have this sick feeling that there was more that I need to know. Jasmine couldn't have survived from that holy blade because one; she had parts of my DNA inside of her when we did that, and also, even if she didn't have that DNA, that blade is still a blade, and that was aimed to her heart. When I saw that knife hit her chest, in that moment, all life didn't matter if she left me forever.

Back then, when I first met her, I saw all of our life past before my very eyes, however, I couldn't see us going any further in life, I couldn't see us growing old together, or even see our daughter's wedding, I couldn't see it at all. Even now, I can't picture it, and I was not allowed to see anything other than that. Maybe it's just because I can think anything more than just us, but I just hope it is just that. But other than that, Jasmine has been getting stronger, no one knows the instant of her power yet, but she has been alright for the time being. Look at me, have nothing to say but only think about Jasmine, and I know she is too. You could say that I was eavesdropping in her thoughts, but hey, I don't want the same thing happening again, so whenever she is in danger, goes the same with my daughters, but Jasmine is keeping a sharp eye on them.

While still doing my work (most times thinking) a soldier came in with a report and a very unpleasant face.

"Lord Stefan, the reports have been done and there is a problem with the water system. You need to look into that before anything else happens. Also my lord, the annex is broken... we found out not too long ago, but the annex was acting weird until it all fell, but we believe that something must have come through that caused it to cave in."

"I see; the castle has to be on high alert and there needs to be a protocol in the town. Warn the people in the town, tell them to not worry, but tell any of the guards if they have seen anything out of the ordinary."

"Yes sir. And what about your wife and daughters?"

"I want guards outside their doors and make sure that none of them are left alone by them self. I will tell them what is going on, but until then, keep your guard up."

"Yes Sir!"

The soldier left the room, going to tell the others I possum. If something had come in here from the other side, it is no doubt that is could be an angel. Even so, I couldn't just sit here, I had to go and find Jasmine.

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