Chapter 37

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Luke's POV

I was walking around the pool. It was early. I always did this these days. It was just for thinking. Thinking about her. I knew she was here. In LA. And it had been so hard to stay away from her. But Michael and Calum told me it was for her best that I did. Calum walked in. He came from their place. And he was early. It was like 6 am. I walked over to him. He was actually smiling. 

"Why're you home so early?" I asked him.

"Oh, man. If you only knew!" he told me with a big smile. 

"Tell me then?" 

"Okay, man. So Christina went out tonight and Sarah was so worried. Because Chris doesn't know the city that very well. But she went out with her dance thing and she just came back like an hour ago. And we stayed up, like parents. When she stumbled in, drunk if I may add, she was all sass. It was amazing to see!" he said. His eyes twinkled. He really had enjoyed that. "And now she's on the bathroom floor because the girl can't keep her liquor!" 

So she got drunk, with her friends. I would've liked to see that. See her being sassy. That would've been amazing. But here I was. The idiot I was. 

Suddenly Cal realised who he had told. 

"I'm sorry.." he told me. "I didn't mean to.."

"It's nothing man", I reassured him. 

He walked upstairs and I walked outside again. I put my legs over the edge and they ended in the water. It was so cool. It was already hot here. I liked it, it reminded me of Sydney a lot. I just stared out across the water. I knew what I needed. I ran upstairs and knocked on Michael's door. 

"Whaaaaaaaat?" he asked after the fourth time I knocked.

"Wanna go to the beach later?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, whatever man, let me sleep you nuthead."

I needed to have some downtime with my homie. Man, I was getting really black. I needed to have some free time, soon. 


After a while Michael got up, it was close to noon. I watched him while he got ready for the beach. 

"We need to establish some boundries. No knocking on my door at 6 am. Okay?" he asked me, looking all serious. 

"Yeah, whatever Mikey.." I joked. 

"I'm not joking. I need my sleep, man.." 

"Fine!" I threw my hands up in the air. 

"Where do you wanna go? Venice?" he asked me, knowing perfectly well I wanted to go there. 


And off we were. He was driving, since I still didn't have my license. I needed to get back to Aussie to get it. But we didn't have time for that right now. Michael drove like an old lady. And yes, that's the way he always drives. You'd expect differently from him, but no.. 

When we got there the parking lot was already almost full. But we found a spot. We got out and found a spot on the sand, near the sea. It was nice. And no one knew who we were. No one even cared. I layed down and we joked around some more. 

And that's when I saw it. The worst thing I could ever see. Christina, finally, but with another guy next to her. They were laughing at something he said. And she really enjoyed what he had said, I could tell by the way her eyes smiled too. They walked over to a spot, not really far from us. I kept watching. I couldn't avert my eyes. They were glued to them. He shouldn't be there with her. I should. And she really looked good, being hung over and all. She looked better than ever before. The sun had bleached her already blonde hair a bit. Her eyes caught the light very well. Her body looked better than ever before. And the way it fit in that bikini, it was amazing. And she had a hat on too. A really nice one, made of straw. She looked like she didn't have a care in the world. She looked happy. Happy like when I made her smile. But now there was another boy. He caught me looking at them. I averted my eyes and put on my glasses. And I put on my snapback too. I didn't want her to see me. 

Unpredictable (Luke Hemmings) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now