Chapter 32

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Luke's POV

She just said she couldn't come with me. Was it about Conor? Was she cheating on me and leaving me to be with him? Please tell me this isn't true. I watched her face closely. She just stood there.

 "Please, tell me you're not leaving me.. Not to be with him.." I said it a soft voice, barely audible. 

"No! It's not like that! I would never.." she said while coming closer and taking my head in her both hands. "You know I wouldn't, Luke. You know me better than anyone else on the planet."

"Then, what is it?" 

"Well.. It has to do with Conor, but not in the way you think. A week or so ago Conor saw me and Jaimy do a flashmob on his music. And he found me afterwards. He asked me if he could come to the performance and check us out. He wanted us to go on tour with him during the summer, but he still had some producers to convince. That's why he's here today. He just told me the good news! We have to job! But we're going to be gone all summer. That means I can't come with you, how much I would love to come.. I just can't do it. I need to do this, Luke. It's my dream! And I know you're living yours! I can't keep you from doing that.. That's why I need to find my own way too.. But we can make this work! I can come see you during some breaks and stuff. I know it because I love you." 

Wow, I hadn't seen that one coming. Did she really just tell me she's going on tour with the guy? And Jaimy too? I needed her to be with me this summer. I just needed her. I knew that we couldn't survive without seeing each other. Look at the last three weeks. We proved it. We can't do the long distance thing. So I did what I needed to do, what needed to be done for the both of us. We were both going our seperate ways and it was supposed to be that way. 

"I'm happy that you're able to live your dream. But it's going to be without me. We can't be together in such busy times, we barely even had time for each other in the past few weeks! And it were just three weeks! Imagine what it will be like when we're away for months! We just have so much going on at this stage in life, we need to do this on our own. Away from each other, no strings. Maybe we can figure things out when it calms down, but right now this isn't going to work. I'm sorry, but I think we should break up.." was all I said.

She just looked at me in horror. And a single tear ran down her face. I wanted to bend over and just wipe it away, but that wasn't my place anymore. I knew that it would only make things worse. And standing here would make things worse, too. So I decided to say goodbye, finally and get on with it. I knew I was going to break down if I stood there any longer. 

"I guess this is goodbye for now, Christina. I hope I'll see you on tv and you'll call me sometime when we're in a better place," I told her and I left. 

The last thing I saw was tears now streaming down her face and bloodshot eyes. She looked the way I felt. And it was aweful. I just spun around on my heels and went outside. I got a cab and went straight to the airport. I was going back to L.A., single. 


Christina's POV

He just left. And I stood there, just crying. But without a sound. I just watched him walk out the door without looking back. I didn't know what to do. I was in shock. I felt aweful, broken, alone. I decided to spin on my heels too and find a quiet place. And I did. I found a place where no one was and just broke down. I needed to talk to someone. So through all my tears I called one number. And it was the right one. I knew he would help me. I knew he could. 


Michael's POV

I got a call from Chris. Usually she would text before calling me at this hour. This had to be serious. But Luke was with her. Why would she be calling me? 

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