An Angel and Demon Walk into My Brother

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I had an ice pack on my head when the angel regained consciousness, trying to get rid of the throbbing pain. We'd tied him to a chair, warded cuffs around his wrists and a headpiece keeping his mouth slightly open so he could clamp his teeth down on it.

"Welcome to the party, pal," Dean said. "Cas, how we looking?"

"Most of Sam's internal burns are healed, the rest I can heal by myself. What's your name?" He asked the angel. "I've never seen you in heaven."

"Why would I tell you anything?" he asked, muffled by the metal bar.

"I don't give a damn who you are, you need to get out. Now!" Dean shouted.

"And if I don't?" the angel dared.

"Then you and I will have a lovely little play date," Crowley smiled devilishly.

"Even bound, I can rip this body apart."

"You do, you die," I told him.

"You want this to end?" the angel chuckled darkly. "Put a blade through your brother's heart. If it makes you feel better, I have Sam locked away in a dream. As far as he knows, you're working a rugaru case in Louisiana."

"Enough talking," Cas said, then nodded at Crowley.

I knew Dean could only last for so long after Crowley started his process, pushing giant needle-like rods into Sam's head. From the front, back, sides. It was even getting difficult for me to watch and listen to. The angel's painful screams made my head pound harder, making me grind my teeth and shut my eyes tight.

Cas went to put two fingers on my forehead to heal me, but I stopped him. "No. Sam is first."

"Lexi, you're in pain-"

"I'll live. Sam won't."

Suddenly Dean stood up and left the room. I looked at Cas and he nodded, following after Dean. I sighed rubbing a hand over my face and tossing my ice pack on the table.

"So it was your idea?" Crowley asked as another rod was jammed further into Sam's head.

"Yeah. I was desperate."

Crowley let out a chuckle which carried no humor. "You humans do such impulsive things when you're desperate."

"That's what defines us, Crowley."

"Yeah? And what defines me?"

"How much of a dick you are." I stood up and walked out of the room, traveling down the hallway until I finally found Dean and Cas. When I reached them Dean pulled me into his side, hugging me. I closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling.

"Cas, I'm sorry," Dean said.

"For what?"

"Kicking you out of the bunker. And, you know, not telling you about Sam."

"You thought his life was at stake."

I scoffed. "Yeah and we got played."

"I thought I was saving heaven. I got played too."

Dean smiled weakly. "So you're saying we're all a couple'a dumbasses."

"I prefer the word trusting," Cas corrected, a smile at his lips. "Less dumb, less ass."

"Three stooges!" Crowley shouted. "Get in here!"

We turned back into the room, watching as Crowley stood behind Sam. "Pinhead's out cold, but watch this." He pushed a rod further in Sam's head and he sucked in a breath, eyes opening wide as he began to speak what I could only assume was Enochian.

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now