Close Call

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We'd found an abandoned warehouse a few buildings over, then handcuffed the reapers hands to a metal bar above his head. Each of us held our own angel blades as we interrogated him.

"So, Maurice," Dean said, sliding the end of the angel blade across his cheek. "You bounty hunters are like Delta force reapers. Why would they sic you on Cas?"

I sat back on a table, watching this unfold. "He warded himself."

"Naomi hire you?"

"You're really out of the loop, aren't you?" Maurice chuckled. "Naomi's dead, you imbecile."

"So who's running things?" Sam asked.

When he didn't say anything, Dean got frustrated. "Answer!"

"Bartholemew, her up and coming."

"So he figured we'd lead you to Cas," I observed, moving to stand next to the brothers.

"This Bartholemew," Dean said. "He organizing the angels?"

I moved to walk behind Maurice, dragging the blade up his arm when he didn't answer, leaving a long cut. He held back a scream. "That's all I know."

I brought the blade to his throat.

"You can kill me if you want, if I don't find Castiel, there will be others who will. But you do what you want."

I looked up at Dean, and he nodded. "Sure thing," I whispered in his ear, then pulled the blade back. He sighed, seeming grateful, but a second later, the knife went through the back of his throat, and he choked on his blood.

We cleaned up his body, then drove into Detroit. We drove all day, looking for Cas, but to no avail. Dean parked the Impala in a parking lot, and I looked over at him from the passenger seat. "What's up?"

"We've been chasing our tails trying to find Cas all day. I'm fried. I think it's time for plan B."

"I'm not following," Sam said from the back seat, and I nodded.

"I'm letting you know," Dean said, nodding at Sam. I finally got it.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Letting you know," I said.

Finally Zeke's blue eyes flashed. "What do you want, Dean?"

"I need your help."

"That is flattering," Zeke said, sarcastic. "We've been over this. I cannot make public appearances."

"I'm not asking you to make any red carpet appearances. I need your help finding Cas."

"It cannot be done, he is warded."

"There might be a reaper for rent on his ass, can you see them?"

"I could try."


Zeke ended up finding Cas in an apartment, then let Sam back, and we left for the apartment. When we got there, Cas was pushed up against a wall, an angel blade to his throat. The girl that held him turned, then stabbed Cas through the chest. I gasped, watching as the boys ran at her, but she flung them away. She stares at me, then smiled.

"This girl's popular with all the boys, huh?"

I eyed the blade in Cas, not speaking. I stood, staring her down. Sam got up, distracting her for a second as I dove for the blade, pulling it out of Cas and turning, stabbing her in the back. A bright light filled the room and she fell. I immediately turned to Cas, dropping to his side as Dean slid next to me, Sam crawling over afterwards.

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now