Yeah, And I'm Mufasa

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"You live here?" I asked as we pulled up to what they called home. It was an enormous bunker, halfway underground.

"Yeah, it's not as impressive as you'd think," Sam laughed.

"Not as impressive? The bills must sky-rocket."

"Actually," Dean said, opening the front door, which was at the bottom of a short stairwell. "We don't pay bills."

The door opened to another stairwell, which led down to a giant library. There was a long table in the center, at least fifteen chairs seated at it, as well as another smaller table that had a map built into the top of it. The walls had shelves of books on top of books that spanned from wall to wall and floor to ceiling.

How was this not impressive? It was beautiful, to say the least. I slowly followed them down the stairs, taking in everything I could. The metal staircase clanged under my heavy boots. I continued past the table and up a few stairs, which led to even more walls of books.

There were two wooden tables, instead of the metal one, that was about half the size of the other one. And at the very end of it all, there was a massive telescope. It was unnecessarily big. But, it was still impressive.

"Come, I'll show you around," Sam said, leading me through a side hallway that I hadn't noticed. I could get lost easily in this place.

He showed me the kitchen and my room, as well as a few others that didn't have a name. One of them he called the "archives" and told me not to go in. He didn't even open the door. I had only nodded.

There was an endless number of hallways and corridors and rooms. They'd given me a room right across from theirs, which was a few rooms away from the kitchen. Sam said that they'd be in the library if I needed anything, and I nodded.

I was in my room for a while, relaxing and watching the television, but I got thirsty. I stood up and walked to the kitchen, which was impressive. I looked through the many fridge doors, searching for a water bottle. When I found it, I turned around, only to smack right into someone's chest.

I gasped, giving an apology before looking at who it was. And I didn't know. The man's eyes were icy blue, and he had stubble that he desperately needed to shave, but he was pretty handsome nonetheless.

"Who are you?" I asked, shifting on my feet uncomfortably.

"I'm an angel of the lord. Who are you?" His voice was gruff and deep, and he seemed so serious when he spoke.

"Yeah, and I'm Mufasa."

"You're a fictional children's character? I thought that Mufasa was a lion. And male."

My eyes widened, and I laughed. I laughed hard. "I was kidding. My name's Lexi. And, seriously, who are you?"

"Well, my name is Castiel."

"Hmm, I've never heard that name before," I stuck out my hand. "Well, nice to meet you, Castiel."

He just looked at my hand oddly for a second, so I took his from his side and grabbed it, shaking his hand for him. "What are you doing?"

"Shaking your hand?"


"It's a kind of greeting. It's what you do when you first meet someone. Why don't you know this?"

"I told you, I'm an angel. I'm not on earth much."

"Okay, so where are you? In heaven?"


"Okay..." I smiled. This guy must be high. He sure as hell looks like it.

"Cas?" Dean asked as he walked in. He looked back and forth between us for a second. "Where have you been, man?"

Dean smiled as he hugged the supposed angel. "This is the part where you hug back."

"Oh," Cas said and hugged Dean back.

"Where have you been?" Dean asked again as he pulled away from Cas.

"There's war in heaven. It's been challenging. They needed everyone they could get."

"Okay," Dean sighed. "But you're back now, right?"

Cas gave him a disapproving look. "Dean.."

"Oh," Dean looked sad.

"I'm sorry, but this battle is bigger than any of us could have imagined. I must fight for them to save you."

"What does that mean?"

Cas was gone as soon as the question left Dean's lips. "You okay, Dean?"

"Yeah, fine," he answered, almost too quickly. He didn't seem to like me, now that Sam had decided I was staying for a while. "We're in the library."

Speaking of Sam, he didn't seem to be doing too hot. He was almost always tired, and I had found a bloody napkin in the trash can after he'd thrown it out. Dean left very quickly after that, probably to tell Sam what happened. I turned and grabbed a few beers from the fridge, as I saw they had a big collection of them in one of the fridges. I brought them out to one of the wooden tables, where they were sitting, and placed them down.

"So what was up with feathers?" I asked.

"He told you he was an angel?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, and 'Angel of the lord' to be exact. I didn't believe him but.. then he disappeared right in front of me," I said, sitting down and opening my bottle of water.

"Yeah, he does that a lot," Dean said, sighing as he took a beer.

"So what was his deal? The whole heavenly war thing?"

"There's a lot that humanity doesn't know about when it comes to the supernatural."


"There's vampires and werewolves, wendigos and demons. There are countless species of what people would call monsters. Make-believe, but it's real."

"So.. unicorns?"

"Uh, no."




"Okay, that was a stretch."

I laughed. "Trying to think of everything."

"Those are just myths," Sam said. "Those aren't real, though there have been claims of sightings."

I nodded in understanding. "But vampires are real?"

"Yeah, they are. Kind of hard to wrap a head around."

"Wait, so demons and angels are real?"

They nodded.

"So does that mean the devil and God are real, too?"

"We've fought the devil," Dean said

My eyes widened. "Hold up. You fought the devil. And survived?"

"Mhm. And about God, we're not all too sure."

"Good, 'cause I'm an atheist."

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now