You're Like An Overgrown Baby

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It had been a few days of living with these two guys. They seemed nice enough, and pretty funny, except for Dean. He'd picked up on a new nickname, and we'd both been pretty rude toward each other. And apparently Sam had convinced him to let me stay, because he hadn't kicked me out yet.

They were out on what they called a hunt, which left me all alone in the huge bunker. I walked around for a while, looking at the books. They had a lot, but they aren't your normal Goosebumps books. Their books are "lore" on almost every possible monster on the planet.

I think my room is where I spent most of my time, though it wasn't sleeping. Though on the outside it looked like I was holding up just fine, I was dying inside. I wasn't sleeping, and it was starting to show in the bags under my eyes.

When I woke up this morning I made coffee and hopped on a laptop, looking at lore to help kill the pagan god the boys were fighting. I didn't know much about them, but they sure were scary sons of bitches.

Dean called on the new phone they got me and asked how to kill it. I told him, and he thanked me (something he didnt do often) and said they'd be home in a few hours. I sighed, but continued scrolling through lore. I couldn't go back to living peacefully after knowing what was out there, so I might as well stock up on knowledge.

It had been a few hours of reading the lore when Sam stumbled through the door. I looked up to see him struggling to get down the stairs.

"Sam?" I asked, rushing from my seat to help him. Once I got him seated, I saw his hands covering an injury that had soaked his hands and shirt in his own blood. "Come on, let me see."

He lifted his hands, groaning in pain as I lifted his shirt to see his abdomen. "Oh, God." I turned and ran to my room, grabbing a towel. I placed it on his wound. "Where's Dean?"

"In the car. He needs more help than I do."

I nodded, though I was terrified. I ran up the stairs and out to the car, pulling open the passenger door. "Dean, come on."

He seemed like he was out cold. How was I supposed to carry him all the way inside the bunker? He had to be at least double my weight, and then some. And bleeding badly. I sighed and shook him a little, calling his name. There was no reaction, so I put one of his arms over my shoulders and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him out of the car.

"Dean!" I yelled, using all of my strength to keep him upright. He woke up with a start, groaning from the pain. "Come on, Dean. Help me out, here."

"Trying, Lexus," he said. He had a gun wound in his leg, and his arm that was hanging at his side had a cut somewhere. I could see blood dripping from his fingers. He managed to get his feet moving, which helped me a lot. It took me a while, but I eventually got him down the stairs and to his room.

I took a few minutes to catch my breath then worked on getting his jacket off. "Come on, you have to sit up."


"I know, come on, we can't let it get infected. It'll hurt worse."

I slipped off his jacket and turned over his arm, looking at the long gash there. It ran the entire length of his forearm, stopping just before his wrist.

"Where's your first aid kit?" I asked, sighing.

"Under my bed."

I leaned down to grab it, opening it and pulling out some gauze. "It doesn't look like this one needs stitches, but your gun wound might."

"You do this a lot?"

"I was studying to become a nurse. Try and get your pants off, I have to check on Sam."

He nodded and I left the room, calling out for Sam. "Hey, let me see," I said, finding him in his room.

"Nah, I got it."

"Is that dental floss?" I asked, looking at the opened package of it.

"Uh," He laughed. "Yeah."

"No, no, stop. I'll get my needle and stuff. Let me do it."

I grabbed them from my room, coming back to Sam laying down. Looking at his wound, it didn't seem as bad as Dean's, but still worthy of stitches. "This is gonna hurt."

I pushed the needle through the first side and then through the other, pulling it tight. Sam winced. "How's Dean?"

"He'll live. After I get you patched up, I have to give him stitches. His arm is fine, just wrapped it in gauze so it doesn't get infected." Sam nodded as I finished the last stitch, tying it off and snipping the excess. "Can you wrap it up?"

"Yeah, go take care of Dean."

I went back to Dean's room, and he had gotten his jeans off partially. I pulled them the rest of the way down, along with his shoes, and looked at the wound just above his knee. I groaned, taking a towel and wetting it with the sink in his room. I cleaned the dried blood off as gently as I could.

"Good thing you aren't squeamish, Lexus," Dean said.

I looked at him rolled my eyes, hating the nickname. "Yeah, you'd be taking care of yourself, Dean-O. How did you ever survive without me? You're like an overgrown baby."

He laughed, just an echo of one, which ended up in him coughing.

"Take it easy," I said. It's not like I still didn't care about him. "What happened out there?"

"We found her, but she expected us. She got to us before we could drop the dime on her."

"At least you got home. I know we haven't known each other for a while, but if something would have happened to you two, I don't know if I could've handled it," I said, honestly. I saw Dean smile at me in the corner of my eye as I continued cleaning his wound, though I think he thought I didn't realize.

I'd finally finished and helped Dean into new clothes, and by that time he was fast asleep. I looked at him and smiled, turning off the lights and closing his door.

"You okay, Sam?" I asked as I knocked on his door. He, too, was asleep, and I turned off his lights.

It wasn't super late, so I decided to grab the stuff out of the car. They always took a duffel bag each, as well as a few with weapons. I grabbed the bags while it was still daylight, then cleaned the blood off of the front seat and dashboard. Bringing the bags back inside, I threw the clothes in the washer, along with their blood stained ones. I hoped it would wash out.

I sat down and kicked up my feet on the table, opening a few beers and turning on Netflix on a laptop. Sure, I would have to check on them every few hours, but for now I could relax, and I know that they're safe. 

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