Alone Time

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I walked in the room. "Wow," I said, sliding down the railing.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Kevin," I said when I reached the bottom. "Just poured some buffalo milk down his throat."

"Buffalo milk?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, the hangover cure-all. Got everything in it."

"How is that kid still recovering from Branson?"

"I guess he's an amature." I plopped down on the surface of the map table, leaning over Sam's laptop. "Got a case?"

"Yeah, something to get us on the road again."

"You sure you're ready for that?" Dean asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Sam asked, sounding offended.

"Aren't you kinda running on empty?"

"Sure, if the last three nights of getting eight hours of shut-eye counts as empty. That's like twenty for a hunter."

"Alright, James Bond. You're still recovering from the trials. I think you ought to pace yourself. Me and Lexus'll handle this one."


"Hey, I just want you back to your old self as soon as possible."

"Dude, I am. We should be doing what we do best."

"And we can't do it if you aren't at your best."

Sam scoffed, and I sat there, looking between the two of them. Dean slapped the table and stood up.

"Alright, text us the information, come on."

I looked at Dean as he walked out the door. "Sorry, Sam," I said.

"It's fine," he smiled, though I could tell it was fake.

"I'll keep you updated on everything," I said. "Promise."

He nodded. "Thanks."


"Okay, what's the skinny?" Dean asked when we pulled up to the taxidermist's office. I looked down at my phone.

"Uh, taxidermist was mysteriously crushed to death. Every joint in his body dislocated, every bone broken. Guy is a glorified pretzel."

"The hell's got that kind of strength?"

I looked up at the door, which had the words "Die, scum," spray painted on it in red. "Subtle," I said, pointing at it. Me and Dean got out of the car, walking closer to it. "Hang on."

I leaned forward and looked at the 'M' on the door, then pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of a symbol carved into it.

Dean looked at it for a second before pulling open the door. It revealed lots of fake animal heads hanging on the walls. And I mean covering them almost completely.

"Well," Dean said, looking around at them. "The creep factor just skyrocketed."

The sheriff turned around and looked at us. "Can I help you?"

I smiled and flashed my badge. "Hi, agents Michaels and DeVille."

"The body's already been sent to the morgue. Just wrapped it up with Dave Stevens. Max was a real good egg."

"Sorry for your loss," Dean said, smiling sadly.


"Do you mind showing my partner around?" Dean asked. "I've got some questions for Mr. Stevens."

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