Oh, And I'm Awesome

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We left my phone sitting there, on a recording of Dean saying "Come and get it, you dicks!"

"All right," Dean said. "We gotta flank SEAL team douche in there, so Irv, you, me, and Lex will go left, Sam and Tracy, you go right."

"Okay, let's move," Sam put a hand on Tracy's shoulder, but she shoved him away.

"Don't touch me."

"Hey, what's the problem?" I asked.

"My family is dead because of him," she snapped at me.

"What?" Sam asked.

"I watched a demon slaughter my parents. The whole time it was celebrating how some dumb kid let Lucifer out of his cage."

"Okay, we gotta move," Dean said. "Girl's with us, Irv with Sam."

The three of us left to stand by the diner. "Okay, when they come out, we'll pick them off one by one," Dean said.

I turned to the girl. "Listen, for the record, Sam's not the only one who thought he was doing the right thing and watched it all go to crap. It's just part of-"

"Being a hunter," She finished.

"Being human," Dean corrected. "You wanna be pissed off at Sam? Fine. But if you wanna go after someone, you make sure they have black eyes. You have to know who the real monsters in this world are, kid."

Abaddon came up and hit Dean while he wasn't looking. Me and Tracy pulled out our guns with the devil's trap bullets, but they had no effect on her. "Nice grouping," She said, then pulled up her shirt. "Unfortunately, I came prepared- bulletproof vest."

Dean threw holy water at her, and she screamed, smoke rising from her face. Dean threw me his keys and I turned to Tracy. "The car is three blocks over, go and grab anything you can out of the trunk. Get everything."

"But what about you?"

"We'll be fine, go!"

I turned to see Abaddon standing up straight now. She was between me and Dean as he managed to stand up. "Alone at last," she stared at me.

I'd never really met her, and was dreading the day I would. Dean tried to attack her with an angel blade, but she turned and grabbed his arm, twisting it and knocking the blade away. "Did you miss me? I missed you."

I punched her in the side, but she grabbed my arm and twisted it, dislocating my shoulder. I fell, holding onto my shoulder as she still held my arm. "I so appreciate that you come running when I call. I think that's what I like most about you Brady Bunch. You're so obedient, but suicidally stupid. I love it."

"Are we gonna fight or make out?" I asked. "I'm getting some real mixed signals here."

"No, but you know what I do find interesting?" She asked, throwing my arm down and stepping back to look at us. "You two together? Never woulda guessed it. Would've expected you to go for the smart one. The ass on him, whoo," She smiled. "I want Crowley, or what's left of him."

"Yeah? What's in it for us?" Dean asked.

"I let you die. You give me Crowley's head, and I will snap your necks quick and clean. You won't feel a thing, trust me."

"And if we tell you to get bent?"

"You know, I've loved this body since the moment I saw it. But, you're the perfect vessel, Lexi."

So that's why she was interested in me.

"You give Dean all sorts of nasty ideas. So go ahead, play hard to get," she bent down in front of me. "I'll peel off this 'no demon' tattoo and blow smoke right up your ass."

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now