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We made it to the supermarket, only to see Harry hobbling to the car, holding his bleeding side. Dean slammed on the brakes, and I got out of the car as fast as I could, rushing to Harry's side and grabbing him just before he fell. "Come on and help me, he's losing too much blood."

We got him to the car and I patched him up, wrapping his side. "Too tight?" I asked.

"No, no it's fine."

"You sure?"

"I'm fine, I'm good."

"We'll have to stitch it back at the motel."

He turned to Ed, behind me. "We did it, Ed! Thinman's real!"


I glanced at Ed, giving him a serious look, but he only shook his head. Sam and Dean walked out from the woods. "There were some fresh tire track marks, got some pictures."

"What for?" Harry asked.

"That car might belong to whoever knifed you," I said.

"Well, whoever cut me was thinman, and thinman doesn't drive," Harry said, obviously confused. "It was thinman, jackass! I shouldn't have to connect the dots for you guys-"

"Uh, Harry," Ed stopped him.

We all glanced between them. I moved away from Harry, backing up toward the brothers. "What?"

We went back to their hotel, where Ed and Harry talked in their room as we sat and waited for them to finish. Harry didn't sound happy at all. Ed walked out, and we all looked up.

"How did it go?" Sam asked.

"It went.. Um.." Ed didn't give an answer and left, mumbling something about coffee.

"I'll go check on him," Sam said and walked in the room.

They were in there for a few minutes, then Dean looked at me. "I got something on those tire marks, wanna go tell them?"

I nodded, knocking on the door then pushing it open. "Hey, jackass has got something on the tire marks, you coming?"

Sam nodded and stepped out, leaving Harry on his bed. "What did you get?"

"The tires were made for only one kind of car," Dean said. "A 1989 Geo Metro. There's only one registered in town. The deputy says it belonged to a guy named Roger who works night security down by the mill."

"So this thing teleported," I said. "But has a job and a car."

"Let's go find out."

We left Ed and Harry and went to the mill, only to find the deputy already there. "I thought I said me and my partners would take care of this," Dean said.

"Look, my boss is AWOL, we don't have a warrant, and my ass is on the line if this goes sideways."

"Just stay back," Sam said, moving to pick the lock on the door, but he was able to push it open. We draw our guns, looking at each other before walking through the door.

But, before we could do anything, Sam and Dean were tazed. I watch them fall and turn to look at the deputy, raising my gun to hit him, but he grabbed my arm and twisted it, opening the wound in my shoulder that had just started to scab, causing me to drop my gun. I groaned, then he hit me over the head, knocking me out cold.

I woke up, my head pounding and my right arm soaked completely in blood. I was light headed, leaning it back against the column I was tied to. "Lexi." I turned to look at Dean, who was tied to the column next to me. I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing. "Stay with me, Lexi."

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now