Thinman= Ghost?

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"Hey, guys?" I said, sitting on the edge of their hotel room bed. I had gotten a separate one, but we were all gathered in here for the time being. "Ed and Harry wrote a book, 'The Skinny on Thinman'," I said.

"What the hell is Thinman?" Dean asked, sitting on the bed opposite of me. I sat with a laptop on my lap, our knees almost touching.

"I don't know. Check this out, though," I said, pulling up a picture of the same figure that was in the back of Cassy's photo. "That looks like the same thing, doesn't it?"

Sam looked over my shoulder. "Yeah, it sure as hell does."

"Here we go," I said. "Thinman is an urban legend that started on the web. He stalks in the background of its victims pictures before he kills them."

"Yeah, because everything started on the internet is true," Dean said, rolling his eyes. "Like the shark on a helicopter, they write a book on him, too?"

"Dude," Sam said. "Real or not, thousands of people have posted about this thing. It's like thinman is the new bigfoot or something."

"Or thinman is a ghost with a brand name," I said.

"Are you saying that because you actually think it's a ghost, or because you hate the ghostfacers?" Sam asked.

"I mean," Dean starts. "Girl dies in a locked room. Spells 'ghost' right there."

"Maybe it got in there before it was locked," Sam reasoned. I had to say, the more we looked at it, the less it seemed to be a ghost. "Who knows?"

I spoke up. "But how can people see the same ghost all around the world?"

"I don't know, but right now the veil is all sorts of screwy," Dean said.

"The veil?" I asked.

"Where the spirits hang before they die a second time."

I nodded slowly.

"But thinman sightings date back to a couple years ago. The veil has only been a problem for a few months now," Sam said.

Dean took the laptop from me. "What are you doing?"

"Checking the paper for any deaths that seem ghost-y."

I sighed, then rolled my eyes. "Over the past few months, there have been three unnatural deaths in Springdale, though none of them connected to Casey, and none of them violent."

"Okay, that's not a recipe for vengeful spirit," Sam pointed out. "There have been a ton of unexplained deaths pinned on thinman. A vic dies, a couple weeks later a picture with thinman pops up."

"So thinman's stalking people?" Dean asked.

"According to the lore," I answered.

"According to the idiots," Dean corrected. "How come none of them picked up on our radar?"

"Mysterious deaths can be chalked up to non-supernatural causes," Sam said. "And most of these photos look fake."

"Even Casey's?" Dean asked.

"Except Casey's," I answered.

After a few more minutes of talking, I call it a night, heading to my own room and stripping for a shower. The warm water on my back felt heavenly. They did this every other week? And used to live in crap places like this? God, I could never.

"Lexi," I heard someone say. It sounded like Dean.

"I'm in the shower, give me a few minutes!" I didn't hear a response, but after a few minutes I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel. "What did you nee-"

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now