Wizard Of Oz

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Charlie geeked out when she saw the computer. "This thing belongs in a museum. Encryption software, it seems to be powered by magic. It's some kind of alarm system. Global badness? It freaks. This is what locked the place down."

"Can we use it to track angels?" Dean asked.

"Give me some time, maybe I can figure it out."

It took a while, and a lot of moving of wires, but she finally plugged in the last one. "Now we can download."

"Wow," I said, looking at it.

"So, you've been hunting," Sam said.

"Alone," Dean added.

"I know, I know. Not a good idea according to the 'Supernatural' books."

"Wait, wait, wait," I said. "Books? On what?"

"Their lives," Charlie said. "You're in them, too."

My eyebrows scrunched together.

"There are books written on our lives," Dean said. "I guess you were written into them, too."

"Ew," I said, cringing.

"They're on Amazon, you should read them," Charlie said.

I slowly nodded. "Sure thing. I missed out on a lot of stuff."

"Who uploaded them?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, some fan. Beckywinchester176, ring a bell?"

Sam got flustered. "None, uh, nobody's, uh, there are no bells. No."

"Okaay," Charlie said, then turned to the computer. "Crap, these files are encrypted. This is gonna take a while."

I sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. "Sleep over, braid Sam's hair?" I suggested.

Sam rolled his eyes. "C'mon, I have an idea."

We lugged files and books to Sam's room, where we all now sat, watching Game of Thrones. Me and Dean sat on the loveseat in front of Sam's bed, cuddled against each other, while Charlie and Sam had papers spread all over his bed.

"Wow," Dean said. "That Joffrey's a dick."

"Oh, you have no idea," Charlie said. "Wait until he-"

I turned around. "Woah, woah, s-spoilers! I haven't read the books."

"You're gonna read the books?" Dean asked.

"Yes, Dean," I turned to him. "I like to read books. Y'know, ones without pictures."

"Man, this bed is as comfortable as a brick," Charlie complained. "Any plans on moving in soon?"

"I am moved in. This is my style," Sam answered.

"Yeah," Dean rolled his eyes. "This is his, uh, style."

"Sorry I haven't hung up the 'Hang in there, Kitty,' poster yet, Dean. Feel free to redecorate."

"What, so our home isn't good enough for the 'Hang in there, Kitty,' poster?"

"This isn't our home. It's where we work."

"Is there a difference?" Dean asked. There was an uncomfortable silence and I stood up.

"Okay, we're gonna get more beers." I pulled Dean up and we left the room. "You okay?"


"The download should be done by now," Charlie said later, as she flicked the light on. I stopped, looking at the shelf Dean had bumped into.

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now