A Date?

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Me and Dean walked up in our civilian clothes, as we didn't have enough time to change into our uniforms, while Cas was still in his work outfit. We flashed out badges as we approached the line of yellow tape. A cop took a glance at them then held the tape up. The same pink spray covered the backside of a bus as we walked to look at it.

We talked to the friend of the girl who died, and found out that her boyfriend had just broken up with her. We walked over to Cas, who stayed by the Impala.

"Cas?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"I've seen this before," he answered, staring at the bus, horrified.

"What? Where?" Dean asked.

"In heaven."

"What, you're saying an angel did this?"

"Not any ordinary angel. Dean, this is bad. Very bad."

Dean ushered us in the car, Cas still talking as he sat in the back seat.

"On the battlefields of heaven, there was a special kind of angel, the Rit Zien. It's enochian for 'Hands of Mercy'. They were like medics, tended to the wounded. They healed those who could be, and those who couldn't, they provided a painless, effortless death."

"The granulated bodies," Dean scoffed. "But these aren't angels, their humans."

"They hone in on pain. It doesn't matter who feels it. When he fell, he heard the humans cries of anguish just as he'd heard the angels. It's all the same to him."

"So everybody's fair game?" I asked.

Cas nodded.

"Well, we've got to stop him."

"You have to stop him."

We paused. "You're scared," Dean said.

"It's different now. Everything is."

"Alright," I said. "Me and Dean'll handle it."


We pulled up to a house in a fancy neighborhood, where Nora lived. I turned around, looking at Cas' outfit. "I can't let you go out like that," I said.

He looked down at himself. "This is the only outfit I own."

"Okay, well, lose the vest. Okay, okay, and undo some buttons," I said, pointing at the collar of my shirt. "Okay, that's enough! Now, listen to me. Always open the door for her and... ask her a lot of questions. Women tend to like that. Oh, and if she says 'happy to go Dutch', she's lying, yeah?"

Cas nodded and I smiled.

"Go get 'em, tiger."

Cas got out of the car and I turned around in my seat to watch him. He grabbed a rose from the garden, and I smiled.

"Nice touch," Dean said, and I nodded. As soon as he was in the house Dean started up the car. My phone rang and I answered.

"Sheriff?" I asked.

"Here's a wrinkle," he said, and I put it on speaker. "The first victims, the couple? Only the wife's DNA was found."

"So the husband's still out there."

The sheriff told us to meet him at the station and we agreed. When we hung up a truck began to back up toward the Impala. Dean honked to get the driver to stop, shouting out the window for him to stop. When he pulled his head back in, he muttered a string of profanities.


"He always was a bit screwy, but then he found religion," the sheriff said as we looked through some papers. "She was a hard line atheist. Kept telling her to let God in, and when she refused an already bad marriage got worse."

"Is that his truck?" I asked, pointing at a picture. It was the same truck that almost backed into the Impala.

Me and Dean looked at each other. "Cas."

We ran to the car without explanation, Dean blowing past stop signs and red lights to get to Cas. He has no way to protect himself. No blade, no guns, no powers. Dean parked haphazardly, coming to a halt in the driveway. I got a spare angel blade from the glove compartment, rushing in after Dean. He hadn't waited for me.

When I walked in, Dean was being flung into a wall and Cas was on his knees on the floor. I slid my blade over to Cas as the angel put his hand on Cas' forehead. Cas grabbed it and stabbed the angel, a white light causing me to turn away.


We dropped Cas off at the gas station he worked at and took off back to the bunker. "Is it true?" I asked.

"Yeah. There's no getting the angels back to heaven."

I sighed. "Crap."

"You know what?" Dean said, looking at me.

"I don't like that look," I said, giving him a confused look.

"No, I'm taking you out on a date tonight."

"A date?" I asked, laughing.

"Yeah, we'll do whatever you want to. Shopping, dinner, a hotel room, the whole shabang."

I giggled. "I would love that."

"We deserve a break," Dean stated. He grabbed my hand as he drove.

I think that was the moment I realized I really did love Dean Winchester. And boy, was I in deep.


I held my pale beige heels in my hand as we walked down the beach, my loose dress flowing with the wind. It was simple, open back, laced front, loose skirt. The color blended in perfectly with the dark blue sky. 

I turned back to Dean, smiling. I'd let my hair down for once, so I had to brush it out of my face in order to see him. He was dressing in one of his fed outfits, but for once he cleaned up his hair and shaved the stubble off of his face. He watched me, hands in his pockets as I set down my new shoes in the sand and made my way over to the water, daring to go knee deep in it, pulling up the long dress.

 I washed the sand off of a shell in the water, looking down at it. I turned to run back and show it to Dean so he could put it in his pocket. He stood a few feet back from where the water stopped meeting the sand, and I trudged through the water and back to him.

"Here," I said, handing it to him. It looked so much smaller in his hand.

He looked down at it and smiled. "I love it." Dean slipped it in his pocket and put his hands on my waist, pulling me in for a kiss.

When we pulled back I draped my hands over his neck, hugging him close.

"You tired, baby?" Dean asked, and I nodded. It had to be midnight. "Come on," he said and I giggled as he lifted me up. He bent down with me in his arms, grabbing my shoes. "I think you know what time it is."

I looked at him, an eyebrow raising. "Do I?"

"Mhm," he hummed, kissing me deeply.

I was in for it tonight.

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now