You Call This Classic Rock?

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The next morning I rolled over in bed, turning away from Dean. I knew because I felt his arm move to lay on my waist. I snuggled my back into Dean's chest, trying desperately to fall back asleep. That didn't last too long, as I heard the lock to our door being picked. My eyes snapped open and I grabbed the gun from under my pillow, sitting up just far enough so the blanket wouldn't fall, and aiming the gun at the door.

It opened and I sighed as I saw the tall figure I'd come to recognize as Sam. I lowered the gun. "When I told you what hotel we were at, I didn't intend for you to come here," I said, tucking the gun back under the pillow.

Sam shrugged. "You two seem to have been busy." He smirked immaturely.

Dean groaned. "Go get another room."

"I'll get one with two beds," he answered, then left.


"I always knew I'd find the source of all evil at a vegan bakery," Dean said as we pulled up to the bakery. Sam wasn't leaving without a fight, and understandably so.

When we walked in I was hit with a smell I wasn't so fond of. "What's that smell?"

"Patchouli," Dean answered and I gave him a weird look. "Yeah, mixed with depression and meat deprivation."

Sam hummed. "Not bad."

There was a couple standing behind the front counter, pushing out orders to customers. They were wearing extremely dark sunglasses. "You know who wears sunglasses inside?" I asked. "Blind people... and douchebags."

Sam sighed and walked up to the counter, leaving me and Dean behind.

"What?" I asked.

"Olivia and Dylan Camrose?" Dean asked when we'd reached the counter.

"At your service," Olivia said, smiling brightly.

"You two are members of S.N.A.R.T.?" Dean asked. We'd filled Sam in up to this point.

"Founders and co-presidents, actually. Can we interest you in some literature?" She held up a brochure, and I waved my hand 'no'.

"Maybe a flaxseed scone?" Olivia's husband, Dylan, asked. "It's wheat-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, and surprisingly moist."

"Let me stop you," Dean said, pulling out his badge. "We're with the FBI. Here to investigate the death of Max Alexander, a local taxidermist."

"He's... dead?" Olivia asked.

"You knew him?" I asked.

"Ish. It's a small town."

"Well, he was murdered last night. And the S.N.A.R.T. logo was found at the crime scene. You two wouldn't happen to know about that, would you?"

The couple looked at each other, then led us to a table near the back of the restaurant. "His business is funded by hunters," Dylan said when we sat down. As we did I winced slightly, but sure enough Sam noticed and tried not to snicker. "And you know how hunters can be. Selfish dicks who define themselves by what they kill."

Me and the boys looked at each other as Olivia spoke. "And as animal advocates we couldn't stand for that."

"So you killed them?" Dean asked.

"Of course not! S.N.A.R.T. doesn't tolerate violence."

"This coming from a couple of people who spray painted death threats," I said.

"It was a scare tactic," Dylan defended. "Just wanted to spook him."

"Turns out we were the ones who got spooked," Olivia sighed.

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now