Yellow Brick Road

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I watched as Dean was bent over my body, trying to shake me awake. But I wasn't in my body. I was standing next to Dean, huddled over my head body. I could hear the panic set in his voice, and I began to panic myself. I looked down at my arms, hardly believing what happened.

"Dean?!" I head Sam yell.

He whipped around and without hesitation yelled for Zeke. I saw Sam's tall frame but Zeke's blue eyes. "You have to help her," Dean said desperately.

"She's dead, Dean," Zeke said.

"You son of a bitch, I know you can feel me," I said, though I was aware he couldn't hear me.

"You can bring her back, just like you did with Cas."

"I cannot keep doing that."

"Why the hell not?!"

"I can help with the witch or save your girlfriend."

"Save her."

I was happy that Dean didn't hesitate, but I was also worried about the witch. Though, how could Zeke even help with that. Did he have the power to smite her? Zeke bent down and put two fingers on my forehead, and suddenly I was sitting up, gasping into Dean's chest.

"Dean?" I heard Sam call as I gripped onto Dean's shirt tighter. "What the hell just happened?"

"The witch got a drop on both of you. I shot her with a poppy bullet," he lied.

"Why aren't we dead?" Sam asked.

"That's a good question. She got the key. I think she's gone."

"No," Dorothy said, coming in with Charlie behind her. I finally sat up, getting a grip. "She's wounded. She could still be in the air vents, we still have some time."

"No, she's right," I said, attempting to stand up. "We've gotta-" I staggered back to the ground with the help of Dean.

"Woah, hang on," Dean said.

"You two go," Charlie said. "We'll catch up. Take my gun."

Dean seemed reluctant to leave me, but took Charlie's gun. "Can we be best friends now?" Charlie asked me, and I smiled.

"Help me to the bed, would ya?"


Eventually me and the girls decided to leave Dean's room, as I'd gotten my strength back. Dorothy and Charlie talked about the books and real life of Oz. Suddenly I was being dragged off route and to the garage.

"I knew those boy scouts would keep it for me," Dorothy said as we walked up to a motorcycle. She rushed over to the bike and started pulling things out of the saddle bag. She pulled out a small container.

"Is that.." I started, but trailed off.

"Yeah, Toto didn't make it," she sighed sadly.

"Oh," Charlie said shakily.

"Yes!" Dorothy exclaimed, pulling out a pair of red, sparkling high heels.

"Did you really walk down a brick road in these?" Charlie asked.

"No, I never actually wore them. Kinda tacky to wear a dead woman's shoes."

"I don't suppose we can just wish her away?" I asked.

"Another thing the books got wrong. But, like poppies, these have magic from Oz."

"Death by shoe?" I sighed.

"There you are," I spun around, seeing Dean standing just behind me. I stood on the other side of the bike, across from Dorothy and Charlie.

"Was that your Batman voice?" I asked, giving him a strange look. His voice was way deeper than usual.

His eyes flashed green. A much brighter green than normal.

My smile faded. "Definitely not your Batman voice."

"It's her," Dorothy said. "She possessed both of them."

I turned to see Sam standing by the other girls. Dean grabbed me and tossed me across the room, my back hitting one of the cars and denting it. Dean would be pissed about that later. "Killing you a second time will be just as sweet as the first," he said, grabbing my collar and slamming my head back against the ground.

"Dean- Dean, I know this isn't you," I said, using a hand to try and push him away. His hands wrapped around my throat. And not in a sexy way. "Sorry about the nards." I raised a leg and kicked him between his, rolling away from him.

"If she opens the door, she's going to destroy Oz," I tried to reason.

"I have no intention of going back to Oz. I want to bring my armies here," Dean chuckled darkly. He slowly got off the floor, and we tussled for a while before he shoved me backwards into a glass window, shards of glass raining around me. "Don't worry, you'll join Dorothy and Charlie after you watch them die."

I scrambled away. Dorothy threw the shoes at Charlie. "Go!" I yelled. "We'll buy you time."

Me and Dorothy faced away from each other, backs pressed together. "Alright," Dorothy said. "Let's see what you pencil necks are made of."


I laid on the ground, breathing heavily, Dorothy a few feet away. My nose was broken, blood covering my features. I couldn't see Dorothy, but I knew she looked the same. "Let's do this the old fashioned way," she said.

"My body cannot hurt you," Sam said.

"But theirs can," Dean finished.

They began to stalk forward, but suddenly their eyes flashed the same green color, and the spell broke. They both fell to the floor.

"What the hell happened?" Sam asked.

"Charlie," me and Dorothy said at the same time, then turned to each other and smiled.

Dean helped me up, and I groaned as I got to stand up fully. Dean kept a hand around my waist as I limped behind Sam and Dorothy. We entered the room Charlie was in, and she smiled down at us.

"Ding-dong, bitches."


Dean patched me up as Sam chained Crowley back up and Charlie and Dorothy got the spell ready to go back to Oz. I hissed as he used rubbing alcohol on the cut on my cheekbone. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"It's not your fault," I said, looking at him.

"You have a broken nose, Lex. I'd say that's my fault."

"Let's say you were... under the influence?"

He laughed lightly. "Shut up."

I smiled at him, which I immediately regretted. I felt another cut split back open. "Sorry."

He put a very small white bandage on it, then one on my nose as well. "Come on, they're getting ready."

I nodded and we walked down to the garage. "Not bad for a bunch of librarians," Dorothy smiled. "You mind keeping an eye on the bike for me?"

"Yeah," I said. "As long as I can take it for a spin once in a while."

"Deal. Thank you for everything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a rebellion to finish." She looked at Charlie. "You comin' or what?"

Charlie smiled, then turned to the three of us and ran to give us all a hug. I laughed as she squeezed me. "Take care of them, yeah?"

I nodded. "Sure thing, Red."

Charlie ran back to Dorothy, grabbing her hand before she pushed the key into the slot. Dean pulled me closer to him. The door opened to the notorious yellow brick road, which looked a thousand times more magical than I ever imagined. They walked for a few seconds, then turned and waved at us. We waved back, and the doors closed.

I looked at them for a second, before Sam nodded at me. I went to the door and opened it, only seeing a couple of brooms in it. "I'll miss her."

"Think she'll be back?" Dean asked.

I turned around.

"Of course," Sam said. "There's no place like home."

I smiled. I guess the place was finally growing on him.

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now