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I woke up without opening my eyes, and for some reason felt so warm. I loved it, snuggling into the warmth. It felt so comforting.

"'Morning," I heard Dean say, his morning voice rough. I didn't move.

"Good morning." He tried to move, but I grabbed his sleeve. "Five more minutes?" I asked, looking at him.

He hesitated, but then nodded. "Five more minutes."

As soon as Dean laid back down, Sam knocked on my door. "I got a case."

"Five more minutes," Dean yelled, and I looked up at him.

I heard Sam scoff and walk away, probably to the library. "Do you want to go on this hunt?"

"Really?" I asked, looking up at Dean.

"Yeah, you gotta learn sooner or later. You want to hunt, right?"

"I can't go back, now," I said. "Not knowing what's really going on out there. Why the change of heart, Dean-O?"

He shrugged. "You've handled a gun before, right?"

I nodded. "Before my parents died, my dad taught me how to use one. I actually have a gun in my dorm room back at my college, but I haven't been back to get it."

"Where did you go to school?"

"I was at Stanford," I said.

"Really? Sam went there, too. We can stop by on the way to our hunt. Come on."

The two of us got up and went to the library, stopping at the kitchen to grab some coffee first.

"Okay, there was a photo leaked at a crime scene," Sam said, holding up a picture. "This girl was murdered in her room, doors and windows locked."

"Who's the wallflower?" I asked, looking at the thing standing behind the girl who was taking a selfie.

"Best guess? Ghost caught on film. You coming, Lex?"

"Does it look like I'm staying?"

"Guess not," Sam smiled.

"We have to stop at Stanford," Dean brought up, causing Sam to look at him, confused.

"I have my personal gun still in my dorm room," I informed him.



"I've scrubbed for hours," Mrs. Miles informed us as she stared at the blood stain. "I'll have to rip up the carpet. My daughter picked out the color herself."

"We're very sorry for your loss, ma'am," Sam said. "You mentioned Casey didn't have any enemies you knew about. What about.. at home? Anything unusual going on that you noticed? Like lights flickering."

"No, no, nothing like that. No cold spots, either."

The three of us looked between each other. "Uh, just out of curiosity, why do you mention cold spots?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, that must sound strange," she said. "But, it's been three days and the police haven't found anything and I'd have to sell this place to afford a private investigator. So, when the Supernaturalists called me-"

"Wait, I'm sorry- Supernaturalists?" Dean asked.

"I know the FBI isn't exactly orthadox," she sighed. "These men had answers no one else had for me. I owe it to Casey to listen to them."

"And they brought up cold spots in relation to..." I started.

"Signs of the paranormal, I suppose. Their coming today to take a look."

"Did they give you a name?"

She shook her head, and we left, headed to a diner. Dean seemed to be hungry again. "Son of a bitch," Dean said.

I looked up, seeing a big van with the word "GHOSTFACER" printed on it in large writing. "What?"

"That's the Supernaturalists," Sam said. "We kind of know them."

"Uh-huh. Why don't you seem excited about it?"

"Because..." Sam sighed. "You'll see. Dean, wait!"

Dean was storming inside, me and Sam close on his heels. Dean slid into a booth next to one of the two men sitting in it, Sam pulling up a chair for me to sit in before sliding into the other side. I sat down, watching the scene unfold in front of me.

"Ah, the Winchesters and a side chick. Yay," the one with black hair said.

"Says nobody," The curly, orange haired one continued.


"This 'side chick' will kick your ass," I said. "I have a name. Use it."

Sam stifled a laugh, trying to keep up his annoyed facade. "This is Lexi."

"Alright, shut up and listen," Dean said, not having to try to stop a laugh, he was already annoyed enough as is. "This is how it's gonna go. You two are gonna take that mystery machine and boogie out of town, or I'm gonna put two bullets in your knees."

The two rolled their eyes as the waitress came over with water. I scooted my chair closer to Dean. "Can I get you guys anything...?" She asked.

"Just the check, please," I said.

"Uh, first of all, you guys don't scare us," Black Hair said, once the waitress walked away.

"Not at all," Glasses continued. Do they do this a lot?

"Say hola to my little pistola," Black Hair said, lifting up his shirt to reveal a gun in his waistband. I rolled my eyes. Weak.

"Am I supposed to be impressed with that treasure tail or the lady gun you're hiding in your pants, there?" I asked.

"Um.. both? Look- whether you like it or not, we're handling this situation."


"Really?" Dean asked.

"Mhm," Glasses smiled.

"'Cause what I see is a couple of fame whores who are using a mother who just lost her daughter."

"Okay," Black Hair said. "We are investigators, and we have every right to-"

"No, no you don't. You know why? 'Cause you're gonna get in our way."

"Or you'll get someone else killed," Sam mentioned.

"That's right," I said. "So you can either walk out of here, or crawl."

"Oh my god, will you guys relax?" Black Hair said. "We know what we're doing."

"Yup," Glasses answered.

The bickering went on for a while, until they mentioned they didn't think it was a ghost. 

"Okay, we'll bite," Sam said.

"Can I- can I do it this time?" Harry said. (I'd finally learned their names.)

"You got it," Ed said.

"Okay, I've waited for this moment all of my life. Amazon me, bitches."

I was beyond annoyed. "I'll shoot you, bitches."

"Like we were saying, you were just going, right?" Sam asked, and the three of us stood up.

"Great, good talk," Dean said.

I Can't Go Back Now (Supernatural- Alexis Hammel)Where stories live. Discover now