23 - Emmalyn

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23 - Emmalyn

I spotted Olivia at the corner of the east building and made my way to her. We had sort of bonded closer during our meeting yesterday at the bakery. We had shared a bit more of our personal lives and now I felt like we were truly on the way to become friends, more than just being there for moral support to each other during our respective lonely times. There was still a lot of digging to do, lots of secrets we yet had to share if we fully wanted to trust the other one, but I could tell we were on the right path.

She smiled and waved at me when she spotted me. I responded with a nod of my head and strode towards her. It was nice to have someone to walk up to. To someone who did not secretly hate me, like Lena did. I cringed at the nasty memory off and decided to speak up when Olivia gave me a confused stare. 'What up.' The least I wanted was to explain that. It still hurt my ego.

She laughed at my greeting. 'What are you? A pimp or a rapper?' she chuckled.

'Probably both,' I shrugged. We both laughed out loud at my antics.

I was fine with it. We had parted on a gloomy note yesterday, and I wanted to cheer up both of us. We had enough problems, getting sad should and most definitely could not be one more of them. We would never get through this that way. And I already knew Olivia was a bit sadder than it was normal for a person to be, so I wanted to goof around as much as possible to keep her mind off it. That until I could find a way to make her deal with it and then get it over.

'It would not surprise me,' she said, bringing me back to reality.

I smiled in agreement and spotted something new on her. 'Are you wearing a backpack?' I asked amused.

She squirmed uncomfortably under my studious gaze and scratched the back of her neck as she looked away. 'Yeah...' she mumbled.

'It looks nice,' I appeased. It surprised me, nonetheless. She was not someone who wore backpacks. The image I had of her in my mind over all these years was of a fancy satchel or a big last edition purse or whatnot. But she seemed to have trouble accepting it herself, so I was not going to mention it. She looked fragile enough without my comments to upset her. I would spare her of them today.

'Hi there,' Sam chirped, making me gulp nervously right away. I spun around and then almost slapped myself on the face for having done it. That was so embarrassing! Olivia turned around normally beside me and I envied her for acting so normally.

His gaze would not leave mine, and I could feel a pressure inside of me, in the pit of my stomach.

'H-hey,' I said, wincing noticeably right away at my awkwardness. I tried to smack myself for caring for stupid things like that. The last time I had even thought about something like that was with Alex, when I first met him. I was not supposed to feel this with Sam, and somehow I could not help it.

'Hi,' Olivia said, fortunately taking my mind off my crazy and surely somehow self-destructive thoughts. I knew if I as much as thought romantically for a fraction of a second about Sam, I would be doomed to something terrible.

'Are you feeling any better?' Sam asked Olivia, now turning to look at her. I felt somewhat disappointed that I was not the focus of his attention anymore and had to pinch myself on the side to push the thought away from me.

I felt like screaming and running away. Running into Sam's arms. Oh god! No! Where had that even come from? I frantically looked from Olivia to Sam, wondering if either of them had heard my thoughts. It did not seem so, but I was still tense all over.

'Yes, thank you very much for all of your help that night,' she said with a sincere look on her tired face. It was until then that I noticed she was not wearing any makeup today. I had to bite my tongue not to say anything about it.

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