15 - Emmalyn

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15 - Emmalyn

We had a lot of time to kill until my brother got out of school, but we both agreed on getting the hell out of that place that had done nothing but inflict pain on both of us. We hopped onto her car, with my bicycle in the trunk and as soon as the engine purred to life, the air felt weird and too hot. We were both very uncomfortable and I started to wonder what I was even doing there. This was not going to work out. We came from two very different worlds. We would never understand each other.

'You know, he has a huge crush on you,' I told her to start conversation. Somehow, it felt like the right moment to point that out.

'Who?' she questioned with furrowed eyebrows. Before I got to answer, she said, 'Your brother?'

I nodded in response and turned on the radio. The small conversation seemed to take away some of the awkwardness and I was glad for it.

'He obviously does not know me, then,' she sighed.

I rolled my eyes. 'Oh, come on. You are beautiful.'

'Not everything is about that,' she bitterly spat.

I suddenly felt like I was right all along. We were really not going to make it. We were two totally different people.

I shrugged. 'Well, maybe you should just start viewing things from a different point of view.' I said it forcefully, though, so she could see I was not going to put up with her bitterness.

'What if there is no other point of view?' she inquired silently.

'There always is, Olivia,' I assured her. Before I could stop, I found myself turning to face her and smiling encouragingly. I cringed, feeling like an ad girl trying to sell a product of happiness. It was pathetic.

'You don't even know what is going on in my life,' she debated and looked out of the window. A somber look took over her and I cleared my throat, feeling uncomfortable.

A few seconds of silence stretched before us and I struggled to find something to say. 'That is why we are going to talk over ice cream. It always helps people to open up,' I tried to say cheerfully.

'Is everything going to be okay?' she asked me.

I did not know if I had to answer, but when I turned to look at her I saw she was genuinely waiting for my answer, so I puckered up. 'Yes.'

'Can you promise it?' The way her voice faltered made my insides twist painfully. I just wanted to hug her and tell her everything would be just fine.

'I promise,' I told her with determination. I was not only saying it to her, I was telling myself the exact same thing, hoping I was right.

We went to pick up my brother, staying inside the car at the bus stop I picked him up at. The few hours until school was over and he had to arrive ticked by quickly. Olivia and I talked about a few things, miscellaneous or mundane ones that did not really matter but that could keep a conversation going: favorite color, favorite food, music, books, etcetera... Mostly, though, we just sat in silence and listened to the music on the radio.

I could tell she needed the silence to lick her wounds, to digest everything that had happened to her this week. I found myself hoping in the silence that one day we could trust each other with our problems. I loved my brother, but I needed someone else to vent to. And Olivia seemed to be out of friends, too, so we were both in for a win.

Finally, my brother's bus arrived and he got off. He looked around for me and I had to roll down the window of the car and wave at him for him to see me. Ben frowned but approached the fancy car. 'Did you rob a bank or just someone's car?' he half joked, looking at the car mesmerized. I had not thought it was cool or great, but Ben apparently did. He liked cars.

'Shut up and get in,' I chuckled. 'I'll explain later.'

He smiled and as he walked around the car into the passenger's seat, he stopped abruptly. I smirked. He stared at Olivia bewildered.

'Oh god,' he breathed out. He adjusted his shirt and combed his hair with his hands nervously. He turned to look at me with wide eyes and I just shrugged carelessly. I was just pretending, though. I knew how big of a deal this was to him and I would surely mock him for his reaction when we are alone.

'I...Olivia Campbell...oh god..."

I turned to Olivia, suddenly afraid she might be annoyed by him. What I found surprised me. She was smiling. The first genuine smile I had seen from her in the whole week. She waved at him invitingly and he anxiously gulped.

She rolled down her window. 'Are you getting in?' she asked him sweetly.

'Uh-huh,' he stuttered. He started to walk again but tripped and then winced at his clumsiness. He looked up and Olivia burst out laughing. I followed suit, not being able to hold back. Ben blushed profusely and hopped into the car without any further delay.

It was then as I tapped on the steering wheel and as Olivia continued chuckling silently while shaking her head and Ben put on his seat belt with shaking hands that I realized this was not a mistake. Something good might come out from Olivia and me going for ice cream and actually talking for the first time in ten years.

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