1 - Emmalyn

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1 - Emmalyn

I stretched as I yawned, remembering that I could not shift so much on the bed since Madge was probably sleeping by my feet, as usual. I raised my head a bit so that I could see better around my room. All you could see was the mid-sized ball of fur that was my cat -a sight I saw pretty much every day, but even something as mundane and simple as that made me smile brightly.

I always left my door open before going to sleep, knowing that she would find her way into my room by midnight. She would spend the day sleeping or with my brother and then come to me at the dead of the night. That was her daily routine. You got to love a cat's life.

Waking up late on a Sunday was the best feeling I could ever think of. I woke up with a smile every single Sunday, as it was my favorite day of the week. I had already done everything I had to do -not that school work took that much of my time, it had always been pretty easy-, so on Sundays I just hung out with my best friend, my boyfriend and enjoyed myself and some quality time with my family and cat.

This Sunday was no difference; as calm, cool and collected as every other Sunday of my junior year had been –so far the best year I have had in school. It was just as perfect as every other Sunday, the sun was up, the bird that had its nest on the tree by my window was up and chirping giddily and the neighbors' emo son had apparently been on a party last night because I could not hear his annoying bass playing and disrupting the peacefulness.

After fixating my gaze on my cute cat for a couple of minutes, I looked around inside of my room, wondering if life could get any better. I was not perfect, and neither was my life. But I was feeling so good today. There was not one thing that could bring me down today. It was Sunday anyway. No stupid kids from school to deal with. They were all seriously idiotic. I could never have one good conversation with any of them. All they knew was how to twerk and post pictures on Instagram. It is quite sad, if you ask me.

"You thought I was not going to find out?!"

I sat straight up, tensing right away. That was not normal. There was no yelling in our house, except for when we were watching a soccer game. Then, it was as if we were competing on who screamed the loudest.

I frowned, completely confused and taken aback by the strange event. I scratched at my head. I looked at my reflection in the mirror that was right in front of my bed, only to see my poor state. The blond locks were a ratted mess; it seemed as if the bird had not set its nest outside but on my head. I needed to take a shower before going out to meet Lena.

I tried to dismiss the yelling, it was probably just a stupid, small fight of my parents'.

The weird thing was that they did not fight often. They had always been pretty toned down about those things. That was what surprised me the most from such a scandal. There was no joking around or happiness on those screams that came from downstairs, no way to mistake them. They were pained and angry screams, the kind that sent shivers down my spine.

I held onto my breath and brought the duvet closer to myself. Then, I heard something shattering. Frowning even deeper, I hesitantly got out of bed, leaving the warmth behind me. I had no idea of how to act. If there was a fight, maybe I should not go. Maybe I should just let them figure it out on their own. The thing was...none of what was going on made any sense. That was not how my parents usually acted.

It was all so confusing. It was still very early, so why were my parents making so much fuss? They were always very quiet on weekends, so my brother and I could get up until late in the morning and enjoy our short weekend before having to go back to school. There was definitely something wrong.

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