40 - Olivia

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40 - Olivia

I was not sure whether I was supposed to be alright and breezy or worried and anxious. I had not heard from my mother all day long, and a caring and responsible parent should at least call their kid to say something about the kid being in jail the night before. I had not even been home, should she not be freaking out?

I knew my mother did not care for me, but this was a whole new level of not caring. This was as if I did not exist. Could it be that? Could it be my mother was no longer bothered by my existence? A fear crept onto my back that I could have killed myself that day at the bridge and she would only have been bothered by having to arrange the funeral for it would take time off her plate.

'You okay?' Emmalyn asked as we waited at the front of the school for her mom.

She would be so kind as to take me to the place where they were retaining my car and then I would drive home on my own. I was not sure how I felt about it –going home on my own I meant. Well, mostly because it was not really a home. It was a dark house where I kept my stuff. It was a place where doors always remained closed shut so as to prevent you from overhearing conversations about new dates and how your lack of emotional stability really dampened the mood for visits to come over.

'Yeah,' I sighed, 'just a bit nervous for going home, I guess,' I said. The word home felt alien in my tongue, but I said it anyway, more for Emmalyn's benefit than for mine. I just did not want her to worry more than she should.

'Still haven't heard from your mom?' she inquired with raised eyebrows. 'That woman can sure throw a tantrum,' she said under her breath. I laughed.

'Mind telling that to her face?' I wondered as I crossed my arms over my chest.

I heard steps and looked to my left. Victoria was coming out to the front of the school premises. She needed to be picked up, for Henry and she were done and she needed a ride home because her eyes were still recovering from the pepper spray. When she saw Emmalyn and me she flinched and walked faster. At least I no longer had to worry for her trying to attack me in a dark corner.

'I never really thanked you for the pepper spray,' I told Emmalyn, returning my gaze to her. She had been eyeing Victoria, too.

'Yeah,' she simply shrugged.

'No, you don't get it. She was ready to hurt me, bad. If it had not been for your spray I would probably be in the hospital now. Tobias would have been too late and I would be in a lot of pain.'

Emmalyn simply smiled. 'Well, it is good that someone else is in pain for a change.'

I hugged her sideways and she rested her head on my shoulder. 'Seriously, thank you,' I said and hugged her a bit tighter for a second.

'Hey, Olivia.' I turned to look back and saw Tobias coming towards us. I felt my stomach clench. 'Oh, hi, Emmalyn. What's up?'

I could almost feel Emmalyn's smirk beside me. I just wanted to punch it out of her. 'Just fine,' I said before she had the chance to embarrass me.

'Just peachy,' she giggled from beside me. I tightened my grip on her and that just caused her to laugh out loud. I let go and turned fully to face Tobias.

'How are you?' I asked, to keep the attention of me.

'Great, glad to see you.'

I blushed but hid beneath my hair. 'Great.'

'Why didn't you come to school yesterday?' he asked. I could only focus on his beautiful eyes and wanted to slap myself for it.

'We were arrested two nights ago,' Emmalyn provided. 'Well, technically last night.'

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