41 - Emmalyn

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41 - Emmalyn

Olivia spent the night at our place, again. I knew my mom was worried for her, because my mom was not used to seeing young girls breaking in front of her. Ben was afraid as well. He had finally realized that Olivia was a real person with flaws and broken edges, not just some beautiful girl he could ogle at when she walked by.

He was seeing her with brand new eyes and I could see he actually respected her now, which made me glad. I planned on Olivia sticking around, on us getting summer jobs together and spending nights at each other's houses, going out on double dates and going to parties together, and I wanted to make a regular tradition of taking Ben for ice cream with Olivia, which would be way easier if he did not blush whenever she breathed or her hair moved.

We were sitting at the dining table for lunch the next day, drinking fresh lemonade that my mom had urged Olivia to make so she could feel more at home and happy. I appreciated what mom was trying to do, and was glad that she had so eagerly accepted my new friend.

'This is delicious, Olivia,' my mom complimented when we were eating.

'The food is amazing, too,' Olivia chirped from her spot, taking another bite of my mom's special lasagna.

It was a bit of a sore lunch, for this lasagna was what my mom made for my dad on special occasions, and the dish with which she had won his heart over when they first met. She had a nostalgic vibe going on at the moment, but I was glad it was not melancholic, for this just meant she would reminisce on the good and bad times and be alright when it ended.

'This lasagna is probably mom's best dish,' Ben happily told Olivia.

She smiled. 'Do you like to bake, Alicia?'

'I'm not very good at it, Emmalyn is the dessert master around here,' my mom commented.

I broke from my reverie and smiled embarrassed. Baking was one of my secret talents. It embarrassed me to tell it, though, for I did not want to fall into society's roles for women so easily.

'You bake?' Olivia inquired with a chuckle. She had a mischievous grin and I did not like it one bit. She would surely pick on me over this forever.

'I can just make cookies and pies,' I refuted.

Olivia burst out laughing. Even if it was at my expense, I was glad to see her laugh. Sometimes, with all the crap that was thrown her way by life, I was afraid that she would break.

'Oh, bugger off,' I snapped amused. She stuck her tongue out at me.

'Olivia, honey, I don't mean to dampen the mood, but when will you go home?' mom asked. Olivia took a big gulp of her lemonade and looked down at her hands beneath the table.

'Don't know,' she mumbled. 'Never,' she added under her breath.

'Olivia, this is bad. You can't just leave your house like that,' I said, though it pained me. Her mother was awful, but it was still wrong to just take off like that.

'You don't get it,' she breathed heavily. 'Who knows how long ago dad has been talking to her about staying there longer and she never bothered to tell me.' She was frowning and I wanted to change the subject right away.

'We can go to the library and start studying for the finals today.' I turned to look at mom. 'One more day that she stays here won't be the end.' I sent my mom a pleading look.

'You should at least send a text to your mom telling her you are here,' mom told Olivia with a stern look. I let out a relieved sigh.

'I will,' Olivia conceded.

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