36 - Olivia

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36 - Olivia

I rolled on my bed. It was time to get up. I had told Emmalyn before we parted ways last night that I wanted to go to Anna's grave with her. This was a huge step for us. I had not as much as spoken to someone else, someone outside of my family, that is, about Anna or the tragic spin our lives had taken when she passed away.

I had opened up to Emmalyn about all of that now, but knew it had been a while since I had been to Anna's grave, and I wanted Emmalyn to come with me.

It felt like a great way to connect with my dad as well. I had not heard from him in a while, and that upset me, but I would send him an e-mail when I got back home today, so he could know I had visited Anna.

I took a shower after sending a text to Emmalyn confirming the time I would go pick her up. I got out into the hallway and turned to my mother's room. The door was shut close, like it had been the past days. I did not bother on going there, knowing it would be no use. Our relationship was ruined and beyond repair.

After a small breakfast I set on the road and parked in front of Emma's place a few minutes later. It was a simple, plain house, but even in these rough times with what had happened with Emmalyn's parents and the imminent divorce coming along, this house irradiated more love than mine had in ages.

I sighed and put all my hair behind my ears. I still struggled with these thoughts, and knew I would have to see a specialist soon, to properly deal with the mourning of everything I had lost. For now, though, I was enjoying myself with Emmalyn and our little adventures. They were doing to me far more good than everything I had done before.

'Good morning,' Emma said as she hopped on my car. She looked upset but gave me a wary look that pleaded not to ask. She had done the same favor for me before, so I paid the same respects.

'Morning, sunshine,' I joked, trying to lift up the mood. I put a pop radio station as we got on the highway and tapped on my beautiful "new" Volkswagen as we drove along.

'How was your night?' she asked after a while. We had not had much room to talk, since Sam had given her a ride back home again.

I chuckled lightly. 'You would not believe me.'

'Okay, now you have to tell me.' She turned on her seat and gave me a serious expression.

'Alright, after you left I tried a weird drink, then I saw Henry come into the room so I ran upstairs, only that Victoria saw me and followed me, she tried to beat the crap out of me, your pepper spray saved my life –thanks for that- and then Tobias helped me get outside for some air and now he knows about Anna and the way she passed away.'

Emmalyn was staring at me with her mouth agape. 'That's some serious stuff,' she pointed out.

I smiled sideways and shrugged. 'Everything turned alright in the end, though.'

'I knew that pepper spray was a good idea,' she said with a little laugh. 'You are just so prone to people attacking you.'

I nodded in agreement. 'By the way, I now know about the magic of constellations.'

'They do make an evening romantic! I told you!' she said ecstatically. 'You did not kiss, did you?' she inquired with wide eyes.

I blushed. 'No.'

'But you wanted to,' she noted.

'Shut up,' I deadpanned. 'Tell me about your night,' I said, mainly to change subjects.

'Well, we were having a nice time until Alex showed up all drunk to beg me to take him back.'

I gasped in shock. 'He did not!'

She nodded. 'Sam punched him.' She blushed when she said it.

'Are you happy he punched Alex?' I asked, confused.

She shrugged and giggled. 'It was pretty sexy,' she defended.

'You are nuts,' I countered as I parked. The air seemed haunted. There was a feeling of something dark in the air. Death could be felt trying to sneak up unto us. It all melted away when I remembered Anna, nonetheless, with her warmth and happiness.

'Let's go,' I said, excited that Anna was finally meeting Emmalyn. I had told her a lot about her in my dreams, but this somehow seemed more formal.

'Thanks for letting me tag along,' Emmalyn murmured after a while. She took my hand just as we arrived to the tomb and I gripped at it for support. My heart ached.

'Anna, this is Emmalyn,' I said with a trembling voice. I was getting over it, but it always hurt, especially when I thought of how my mother did not even open her door for me anymore.

A sigh escaped my lips and I gulped harshly. There was the lump again, forming on my throat, not allowing me to breath. 'It's okay, Olive, she is alright and you are, too,' Emmalyn said, resting her head against mine.

I smiled. That was how Anna used to call me, and to hear it from Emmalyn was nice. 'You're right.'

'Want to sit down for a while?' she questioned, stepping away so she could look into my eyes.

'Sure.' We sat next to the tomb cross-legged and I looked around. It was a peaceful day and a peaceful place, after all. I had just gotten caught up with my feelings.

'You know, we used to go for picnics to that natural reserve that is near here. She would take ice cream and lots of delicious food and we would just lie on the grass and look up to the pale blue sky and make castles in the air.'

'Castles in the air?' Emmalyn questioned, laying back as she had heard me tell in my story. I smiled and mimicked her.

'You've never heard of that?' she shook her head, her blonde locks spreading on the grass. 'You say everything that you want to be, your wildest dreams, your deepest desires, and for that moment, you believe they can become true.'

Emmalyn looked up. The sun seemed to be dancing on her eyes, a bright light danced on their edges. 'That's amazing,' she granted.

I agreed and dove into many stories of what Anna did with me, and then we moved on to making our own castles in the air, for in the moment everything was possible and we were infinite.

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