42 - Olivia

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42 - Olivia

I could see the empathy in Emmalyn and her family's eyes. It made me feel even worse. I knew they were just acting that way because they cared –more than my own mother cared about me anyway. I could not take it, though. I avoided their gazes just to keep from seeing their pity gazes.

Emmalyn had gone out to tell her mother and brother about the note. I was watching them from the window of my room. Her mother had gasped and sobbed, and gotten back into her car when she noticed that I could see her. Ben was confused and just stared at me until I walked away from the window.

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, passing the note from one hand to the other when Emmalyn walked back into my room. I was reading through some birthday cards from last year. Suddenly, I knew where to go.

'What do you want to do?' Emmalyn asked me, trying hard to keep my gaze without tears clouding her eyes.

'How keen are you in spontaneous adventures?' I wondered as I crumpled the paper I threw it into the paper bin near my desk.

'What do you mean?' she inquired with hesitant eyes.

'I have wanted to go visit my grandma for a while now. It seems like this is the perfect opportunity,' I replied with a shrug. I was not as calm as I appeared to be, but I knew that I had to keep serene or Emmalyn would freak out.

'Uh...sure, when?'

'Now.' My voice quivered along with my chin but I pushed through it and tried to appear determined.

I looked up when she sat next to me. She placed a hand on my shoulder and looked deep into my eyes. 'Are you sure about this? You can stay for us a few days, clear your mind. You could talk to your dad. He must surely want to come back now if he finds out your mother has left you alone.'

'I am done for the moment with both of my parents, Emmalyn,' I said impatiently.

'Alright, alright.' She raised her hands in surrender. 'Just...where does your grandma live?' she questioned defeated, trying to keep her cool.

I knew Emmalyn was not one to do things unplanned and I knew I was asking too much of her, but I did not think I could do this alone.

'Jacksonville,' I answered. 'It's not such a long drive –a couple of hours top. We can stay at her place and come back tomorrow. Even Ben could join us.'

'Jacksonville...Ben...stay the night...' Emmalyn sighed. 'You know I have to run this by my...mom, right?' She hesitated when saying mom and I felt a new wave of tears threatening to spill down my cheeks.

It was a long shot, because final tests and projects were coming along since the school year was coming to an end. It was a lot for me to ask of Emmalyn, but the situation demanded it.

'Yeah, I know.'

'Let's go downstairs. I'll tell mom and Ben to come in so we can all discuss everything.'

I nodded and followed her into my living room. It looked so eerie, so vacant. I could not believe this was my house. It almost looked like a house that was on sale, not an occupied one.

'Mom...um, Olivia is thinking about going to her grandmother's for the weekend. She has asked me to come with her and has invited Ben as well.'

'We'll stay at my grandma's for the night. It's in Jacksonville - so it's not that far. I just don't want to go on my own,' I explained.

'Anything you need, honey. And when you come back you can stay with us for as long as you need. I can help you to get in contact with child services and all. You won't be alone, Olivia, dear,' Alicia murmured the last part, holding my hand.

I wanted to pull my hand out of her grip because it reminded me that I did not have an own mother to hold my hand, but I did not want to be rude so I endured it.

'I guess I'll go pack a suitcase,' I said in a monotone voice.

'You do that,' Alicia agreed. 'We'll go back to our place and get the kid's bags ready, you can all eat lunch and then head out.'

'Thank you for this, Alicia,' I breathed out. I knew she was protective of her children and that letting them drive into another city with me was a stretch for her, but was grateful that she could tell I need this.

'Sure thing, darling.' She turned to Emmalyn. 'You do take care of your brother, please.'

'Yes, mom,' Emmalyn droned with an eye roll. 'I'll help you pack,' Emmalyn sighed. 'Ben, come along,' she urged, pulling at her brother's hand. He tugged it out of her grip and stood straighter, walking by my side with a dignified air. I could tell he was glad his mom had let him come along.

'Thanks for saving me from the talk mom was about to give me,' Ben told his sister as he plopped down on my bed.

'Thank me later,' she joked, ruffling his hair. I was glad to see them going back to normal. I knew how bad Emmalyn had missed her brother.

'Alright, so Jacksonville, that's as hot as here, isn't it?' he asked, looking in my direction. He could talk to me now, though he still blushed furiously.

'You've never been there?' I questioned as I walked into my walk-in closet. There was a considerable smaller amount of clothing than there was before I started hanging out with Emmalyn, but it was still pretty full. My mother had a thing for shopping. She did it when she was stressed, when she was happy, upset, etcetera.

'Nope, I don't think we've ever left Gainesville,' Emmalyn replied on behalf of her little brother.

'You're kidding,' I scoffed, walking back out into my room with a suitcase trailing at my feet.

'No, money has always been tight around our house,' Emmalyn explained as she followed me into the walk-in closet. 'I never get used to how much you have in here,' she murmured, more to herself than to me.

'You can grab anything you want, you know. I barely use fifteen of these shirts. I don't think we are the same size in pants, but my dresses will surely fit you. Remember the brunch?'

She smiled, probably reminiscing on that day. 'I sure as hell do. That was a pretty dress.'

'Hear me out, you can grab whichever dress you want.'

'Let's start with packing the ones you need for Jacksonville,' she said with a smile. Ben folded clothes as Emmalyn and I threw them in his direction. He did a terrible job, but at least he was helping, so we kept our mouths shut and worked quickly like bees, both fueled by the thought of a fun road trip and the lunch that had been promised to us.

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