9 - Emmalyn

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9 - Emmalyn

It was until later that day, after several class periods, that I got a hold of both Lena and Alex. It took me a while but I was finally able to catch them. I felt like a detective running after two crime suspects. I just hoped it was not a case, that they were innocent. It was more for my peace of mind than for their benefit.

I had had enough of their running around and games, even though that was all Alex. Whatever the information was, I could tell Lena was dying to tell me. Maybe it was because I knew her all too well or maybe it was because she had walked directly and fearlessly to me just a few minutes ago. There was a smirk on her face and a glint of enthusiasm on her eyes. I was not sure which of them scared me the most. It almost seemed as if she wanted to hurt me.

I shook those thoughts off my head; still holding on to the hope that maybe I was just viewing this all wrong. I really wanted to believe that because after my father's situation on the weekend, I was pretty much done with drama in my life. All I wanted was for the school day to be over so I could go with Ben to eat ice cream.

'Let's go find that boyfriend of yours,' she had said. The way she said it, almost sarcastically, made me shiver. I could feel the cold droplets of nervous sweat sliding from the nape of my neck downwards into the midst of nothingness, where I was heading, or so it seemed.

When I finally had both of them in front of me, just as the hallways of the school emptied up as people began filing into their classes, I hugged my backpack tightly against my body. I pretended it was just a random action, but in reality it was my shield to protect myself from whatever the blow that was coming to me was.

I skeptically looked back and forth from one to the other, trying to see if my suspicions were right. Maybe just by one look I would be able to figure out what the hell was going on. I took a long and hard look as they just gazed at me. Alex was scared and nervous, ashamed even. Lena was just fine -more than fine actually.

I studied their body language, analyzed the situation thoroughly. Could they really be seeing each other behind my back? I would have never even thought about it before. Lena was my best friend and Alex was a really great guy. Or so I thought, in both cases. But now, I was not sure about anything except that I was getting pissed off.

I scrunched up my face as I got lost in thought. Who would cheat on me? And cheat on me with Lena, to top it off? No offense but she was not that bright. She was just a bit smarter than the rest of the idiots that came to this school. That was why I had befriended her. I knew that guys were not after a girls' brain, nonetheless. In all honesty, Lena was a quick one to give in as well, if you get what I mean.

Not that my boyfriend –or ex? - was any different. I loved him –kind of- but I knew what type of guy he was. Pretty much every single teenage guy would do anything that did so much as move and breathe, and my dear Alex was no exception, as much as it hurt me to admit it. I had only been fooling myself before. I was a virgin, so I should have expected him to go with whatever girl offered herself to him. He did not have such a strong will.

Or maybe I was just telling all this to myself to keep my heart from aching.

Alex fidgeted with his fingers and then smiled shyly. 'We should talk about this in lunchtime,' Alex suggested and his eyes flickered from the side to me.

I stared at him in shock. How could he be such a coward?! It was unbelievable. He could not even cheat properly. How come I had missed this before? Was I really this blind?! He was a quite pathetic and lousy excuse of a boyfriend. 'How about now?' I growled pointedly.

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