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"Hello Emma,

I know letters are old fashioned and all that, but I felt like writing one. It's more romantic this way, don't you think? Everything's been good so far. My grandma and I are getting along greatly. I am seeing a therapist and spoke to dad. I think my parents are getting divorced so we'll be buddies with divorced parents, what you think of that?

I have made a couple of friends here –none of them compare to you, worry not. I have taken on to gardening, helping my grandma on the weekends.

I'm so glad that we met up for Thanksgiving. Send my love to your mom and to Ben. I miss you all so much!

Thinking of you,


P.S. (Do not feel obligated to write back with a letter.)"


"Hi, Olivia!

I cannot believe you did this. My estimation for you has gone one level more up.

Things are pretty dull without you here. It's not as if I am on my own, not anymore. Scott is pretty cool, it turns out –still clumsy and I make fun of him a lot. Tobias...well, he still asks about you a lot. I am glad that you saw him for a little while on Thanksgiving. He has found a girl, Ingrid, I don't know if you remember her from last year. She's pretty cool, we've gotten close.

Things with my family are great...well, not great, good. Mom finally seems to have gotten a grip of herself, and therefore we are all much better. Ben and I are inseparable again. You might be delighted to hear that Sam and I have recently become...an item -as you would say. He is no longer hanging out with William and his crew –thank God (don't tell him I said that). I am in love, and as happy as it gets with how everything has turned out.

I miss you, and if there is no inconvenience, plan to visit soon, when we get a couple of days off from school. I miss your grandma's cookies.

Lots of love,


P.S. My brother is still in love with you."

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