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The bonfire was going in full force. A couple of people had shown up for a nice relaxing get together at their house. Their house. That was something Hailey was still getting used to saying. She sat in her favorite Adirondack style chair in her usual spot. A glass of white wine placed between her hands. Taylor sat on Matt's lap in the chair next to her, giggling at something he was whispering in her ear. Brantley stood on the opposite side of the fire, alongside Kolby, Lucas, and a few other friends. He glanced over at Hailey every so often, watching her laugh and have a good time. Every time she bit her lip, he had to stifle a groan from escaping his lips. Good Lord he loved the way that woman could hold him in place yet make him come undone with the flip of a switch. He was slightly disappointed by the lack of an answer to his question earlier. He knew he was asking a lot of her right now. She had just started adjusting to the fact that they now lived together three months later. 

Hailey took a very large gulp from her glass and set it down on the grass beside her. She stood up, walking toward the house. She walked up the steps of the back deck, walking inside a moment later. As she stood in front of the cabinets next to the fridge, scouring them for stuff to make s'mores, she was startled by a rough hand on her shoulder. She whirled around, almost knocking directly in to the hard chest in front of her. 

"B." Hailey replied, moving her gaze up his body, landing on his face. He peered down at her from underneath the black baseball cap, his green eyes catching the dim light of the kitchen. He placed a simple kiss on her cotton candy pink lips that tasted of wine and honey flavored chapstick. 

He pulled away, licking his lips. "So, have you thought about it?"

"About making s'mores? Yes, that's why I am looking for the stuff." Hailey joked, knowing full well what Brantley had been referring to. 

"Hails." Brantley put his hand under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "I am being serious."

Hailey swallowed, looking away from him. It was a simple question, and not that big of a deal. But it was to her. "Brantley, I need to think about it a little while longer." She shook her head. 

Brantley offered up a small smile, letting her slip out of his arms to continue on her search. He went to walk away, but stopped. He turned back, grabbing her in his arms and throwing her over his shoulder. 

"Brantley Keith! Put me down this instance." Hailey yelled as he stalked toward the hallway, stopping just shy of the bathroom door. He placed her down on her feet, backing her up against the wall in the little hallway area. 

"Need a little more convincing?" Brantley whispered, his hot breath grazing her ear. 

"Everyone outside is going to wonder where we went." Hailey tried to protest against the nipping along her neck and jaw line. 

"Mmmmm, that's fine." He growled, finally closing what little space was left between them. He kissed her fiercely, earning a gasp. His hands wrapped around her, settling on her bottom, giving it a pinch. She jumped, giving him the opportunity to scoop her up. Hailey wrapped her legs around his waste, bringing him closer. Brantley walked the few steps in to the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind them. He locked the door and placed Hailey on the counter. 

Hailey ran her smooth hands down the muscles of his arms, tracing the tattoos as she moved along them. He stepped foward as she replaced her tanned legs around him, pulling him closer. Two could play at this game, she thought. She quickly reached from his arms down to the button of his dark denim jeans, working with deft fingers. As she unzipped them with her right hand, her left hand had already worked on pulling them down. 

"Hails." Brantley breathed. He reached for her cut offs, doing the same. She pawed at his white Carhartt t-shirt, pulling it over his head. Her black tank top was next. Brantley brought himself to her, pushing in before her top even hit the beautiful tan tile of the bathroom floor. 

"Fuck." Hailey hissed, throwing her head back, granting him access to the pulse point of her neck. Brantley kissed it, giving her time to adjust to his size. She shifted on the counter, signaling for him to keep going. 

Brantley pulled out slightly then pushed back in. "Shit, Hails." He groaned at the feeling of her around him. He continued a slow pace, his hands roaming her breasts. His right hand coming down where their bodies met, he began to circle her clit. 

"Oh God," Hailey panted. She shifted closer, trying to get more pressure from his hand on her. 

"Feel good?" Brantley asked as he kissed the outer part of her ear. 

"Mmmmm....hmmm..." Hailey drawled out as she tugged on his beard to get his lips to come down to hers. She planted a huge juicy one on him. "Now please....make me cum." 

Brantley chuckled low in his throat, bracing himself against the counter. He picked up the pace before he thrust in to her one last time, her walls closing in on him. 

"Fuck, Brantley." Hailey fell in to him, breathing heavily, causing him to come undone as well. 

After a few minutes, they both got dressed. Hailey adjusting her black tank top. She put her messy chocolate brown hair up in to a bun on the top of her head. Brantley replaced the black baseball cap on his head. He put his large hand on the door knob, turning before opening it. He chuckled at the flush that covered her cheeks. 

"What?" Hailey asked, stopping just behind him. 

"Just admiring your beauty. That's all." He leaned down to kiss her lips once more. He opened the bathroom door. Hailey walked closely behind Brantley as they reached the kitchen. Kolby standing at the fridge, grabbing more beer. 

"Sounds like he convinced you to go on tour with him." Kolby cocked an eyebrow, smirking. 

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