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Hailey sat at the counter of the book store, reading a poetry book she found tucked away in one of the shelves. There hadn't been a customer yet today. Sometimes that was just fine with her. It was Wednesday afternoon. She hadn't heard from Brantley in a couple days. Taylor was absorbed in more Jason drama. It had been a quiet start to the week. She was going to have dinner with mama tonight. Her new boyfriend joining them. This would be the first time Hailey would be meeting him. She wasn't holding out hope. Every time the good ones came through, it was like mama got spooked and let them leave just as quickly. 

She turned the page, when the little bell above the door jingled. She looked up from the book. 

"Coffee for the lady." Kolby smiled, standing there in front of her. His tall frame forming a shadow that danced along the back wall. 

"You're a life saver." Hailey reached out and grabbed the ice cold drink from him, placing the plastic straw through the top. "What brings you in to town?" 

"Ol' trusty rusty needs a tune up." He laughed, referring to his precious truck. 

"You are going to have that truck until the day you die." She shook her head. 

"Hey, don't knock it. He got you home from college when you're clunker broke down on the highway." Kolby pointed a finger at her. 

She giggled, remembering that night in the pooring rain. Brantley was on tour. Her boyfriend had just broken up with her. The spring semester was done with. She needed to get home. Kolby and Rusty came to the rescue. 

They chit chatted for a few more minutes before he left to see how Lucas was making out with the truck. But not before he made sure she was going to the party at his place this coming Friday.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything." She grinned. 

She locked up and headed down the sidewalk to the municipal parking lot where she was parked. It was just dark enough for the street lights to be on, guiding her path. She fished around in her leather tote for her keys. She looked up after she found them, stopping abruptly in her tracks. Amber was in the parking lot, laughing and fooling around with a guy. She was in no mood to deal with her and her constant hissy fits at the moment. She went to walk across the entry to the side lot when she looked again. She wasn't sure if she was seeing things correctly. That was definitely Amber. But that was not Brantley's neck she was biting and nipping at. 

Hailey backed away, deciding that maybe taking a stroll around the block was best. She swallowed hard, not knowing what to do. Should she text Brantley and let him know? He was her best friend after all. And he would do the same, if not more, if the tables were turned. She stood there frozen. Amber's shrill giggles cutting right through her, jolting her back to reality.  She quickly scurried back down the street just out of sight, pulling out her phone. 


"Tay, you are not going to believe what I just walked up on." 

Taylor wanted her to get her butt back there and take pictures, to 'get that bitch right where the sun don't shine.' Hailey refused, saying she didn't want to be any part of that, but that she would tell Brantley at the party tonight. 

Hailey looked at herself one more time in the full length mirror by the doorway of her bedroom. Her shoulder length hair pin straight. The dark wash denim cut offs showcasing her toned legs. An army green pocketed v-neck and her brown leather cowboy boots finished off the look. She had a rock in the pit of her stomach. She was not looking forward to the conversation she would have to have with Brantley when she saw him. She almost didn't want to go for that reason. But she promised both Kolby and Taylor, and she never broke a promise she made. Not even once. 

She pulled up to Kolby's little brick bungalow, parking along the roadway in front. There were quite a few cars here already, Brantley's truck included. She stepped out, taking in a great big breath of fresh air. She stared at the house, very aware of the frog in her throat . 

Hailey began to walk up the steps to the little front porch, when she paused. She could hear Taylor around the side of the house bickering with Jason. This was going to be a fun night, she rolled her eyes. She adjusted her posture and grabbed the brushed nickle door knob, heading inside. 

The smell of alcohol hitting her like a ton of bricks. Someone had to have spilled something somewhere already. She walked through the living room, saying hi to a few people. She walked to the kitchen and straight back to the back yard threw the open door. Everyone was gathered in the grass. Another game of corn hole starting. A table for beer pong at the far corner. Twinkle lights illuminating everything. Kolby looked up from his spot at the corn hole board, waving. Hailey smiled kindly, walking down the few deck steps. 

"Hey, beautiful." Kolby embraced her in an intoxicating hug. A pair of eyes watching their movement from the deck behind them. 

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