Big Things

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"Faster, B." Hailey whispered flirtatiously in to his ear. 

Brantley grinned, doing exactly as he was told. He felt her arms wrap tighter around him, bringing the two closer. 

"That's all you got?" She challenged. 

Brantley let out a low growl and sped up as fast he could go. Hailey let out a scream, laughing wildly. He continued to go at an alarming speed, moving in every direction. After a few minutes, he slowed, feeling Hailey's chest heaving up and down. 

"How was that?" He asked, looking at her natural complexion. No make up. Her chocolate brown hair down around her. 

"Good, but now it's my turn to take charge." She replied. The two carefully switched positions. "Hold on tight, cowboy. I'm about to give you the ride of your life." 

The wind whipped through her hair, cool water splashing all around them. His calloused hands wrapped around her small frame. Hailey drove the jet ski with ease, running through the ocean like a knife through butter. They played around out in the open for awhile before heading back toward the dock. Hailey slowly pulled the jet ski up next to another one and cut the engine. Brantley climbed off the back up on to the dock. He bent down, offering a stretched out arm to Hailey. She gladly obliged, coming up on the dock next to him. 

"You sure do know how to handle big things well." Brantley eyed Hailey as they walked down the dock toward the beach hut to hand the keys back in. Hailey turned a fine shade of crimson at his snarky remark. She brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, smiling up at him. Brantley chuckled. 

They handed in their keys and life jackets and walked back through the resort. Hailey saw a little tiki bar in the far corner that looked like it only had a few people occupying the stools. She knew Brantley didn't drink anymore, and hated to tempt him by asking if they could go over. He must have noticed because he started walking in that direction. 

"Drink?" He asked, gesturing toward the bar. 

"B, we don't have to. I..." Hailey shook her head. 

"Come on. You have a drink and we'll get some food. Jet skiing sure makes you work up an appetite." 

"Okay." She grinned, nodding her head in agreement. 

The two made their way over and grabbed two stools at the far end of the bar. A bar tender came over, placing two bamboo coasters in front of them. 

"What will it be?" The tall thin blonde asked, giving Brantley the once over. 

"I'll have a water and whatever she would like." Brantley smiled. 

"I'll have a frozen margarita, no salt please." Hailey replied, eyeing the blonde. 

She nodded her head and got to making the margarita. She bent down slowly in front of Brantley as she scooped up some ice, making sure to shake her white tank top down a little bit. She ran her hands through her long blonde hair, revealing a tattoo behind her left ear. As she was turning around, Hailey rolled her eyes. Could she be any more desperate. 

A minute later, she placed a frozen margarita in front of Hailey and an ice cold bottle of water in front of Brantley. Hailey took a long sip from the neon green loopy straw in her cactus shaped glass. It went down her throat nice and smoothly. She was lucky this was so good, otherwise Hailey would've said something she might have regretted. 

They ordered some nachos and spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on those bar stools laughing and enjoying the beautiful sunshine. 

"Another water?" The bar tender asked a little too eagerly. 

"Sure." Brantley answered, turning back toward Hailey. 

"I'll take another margarita too, please. Thanks for asking." Hailey called over to her. The bar tender turned around to give Brantley his water, giving Hailey the same look Amber used to give her. One full of disgust and attitude. She bent down to grab a clean cactus shaped glass from the wash station, sticking her bottom up in the air. Her shorts couldn't have gotten any tighter, or shorter. 

Hailey shook her head. Brantley knew exactly what the blonde was trying to do. He scooted his seat closer to Hailey, grabbing her chin. He placed his sunburned lips on hers, letting out a small groan of approval. As he pulled away, the bar tender nearly slammed the glass down on the bar top in front of Hailey. 

"Your margarita." 

"Thank you." Hailey smirked. 

The two finished their food and Hailey finished her second margarita. They left a generous tip and headed back toward their bungalow. Hailey wrapped her hands around Brantley's large bicep, walking along next to him. He was taken back by this gesture. Although he had picked up on her flirtatious attitude toward him for the majority of the day, she hadn't been overly affectionate. They hadn't even slept in the same bed since they arrived the day before. Brantley insisted she had the bed and he would take the over sized couch. Hailey didn't immediately protest the decision. But now she was finding it silly that they weren't sharing the California king size bed. They would practically be in different area codes from one another for God's sake. 

They entered the bungalow, Brantley closing the door behind them. Hailey walked through the foyer to the open living space, turning to face him. 

"I think I am going to take a nap. Sleep off these margaritas so I am ready for our dinner reservations later." 

Brantley chuckled. She was such a light weight. He nodded and off she went, closing the bedroom door behind her. Brantley grabbed his cell phone and headed out to the seating area on the deck directly off the bungalow. He unlocked his screen and noticed a text message. He opened it up.

'You took her on our honeymoon?!' 

Brantley wasn't quite sure how Amber knew that he brought Hailey to the Bahamas with him, but he was about to find out. 

A/N: Did I get you there at the beginning ;) Hope you are still enjoying this! More to come tomorrow, promise :)

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