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The hot glow of the orange sun was slowly setting as the stars began to peak through the clouds. The rain storm earlier in the day bringing everything to life. The sound of the bus running outside brought Hailey back from her rabbit hole of thoughts. She rummaged through the large walk in closet, trying to pack only the essentials. Those were Brantley's words, not hers. She would've bought extra luggage if it were up to her. The sound of footsteps coming from the front door up the stairs broke the silence that was almost deafening. 

Brantley came to a stop at the doorway, leaning against it. He rubbed his large rough hands through his beard, his green eyes smiling under his baseball cap. He watched as Hailey held on to a shirt, trying to figure out if it was needed or not. 

"Throw it in." He chuckled, pushing himself off the wall to come closer to her. 

"You said only the essentials." Hailey rolled her light blue eyes. 

"Yeah, because if I didn't, you would have packed the whole dang closet. Plus some." 

Hailey pursed her lips, giving him a  look. Brantley bent down to lay a soft slow kiss on her pink lips. Hailey could get lost in his moving lips. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Brantley pulled back, groaning at the feeling. 

"Careful, woman. We have a lot to do before we leave. No distractions." Brantley gave a warning, smirking down at her. 

Hailey let go of him, backing away. "Then get out of here." She laughed, shoeing him out of the closet. 

Brantley followed strict instructions to get his tail in gear and stay away from her if he didn't want to be caught with his pants down. He threw his hat and phone on the bed, walking in to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Hailey finished up packing the clothes that she needed to bring on tour. She sat on her gray suitcase, zipping it as best as she could. She walked toward the bedroom, grabbing a few last minute things from her jewelry box. As she stood there collecting some necklaces, a ping rang out from over near the bed. Hailey peered over, seeing Brantley's phone light up. She went back to doing what she was doing. The phone pinged another two times. Then another. The light from the phone brightening the dimness of the room. Hailey was never one to look at Brantley's cell phone or ask to. She was just genuinely curious. 

Hailey placed her jewelry neatly in the little black satin bag and sauntered over to the bed, tapping on Brantley's phone screen. She picked it up in her hands, noticing the name that popped across the screen. She scrolled down through the messages, seeing little thumbnail shots to indicate pictures. Her heart started racing. She grew increasingly nauseous as another text came through. 

The door to the master bathroom opened, revealing Brantley standing there in a white towel around the waist. Hailey swallowed, looking up from his phone to his face. The expression on her face said it all. Brantley moved swiftly across the hard wood floor, stopping at the other side of the king size bed. Hailey chucked the phone down on the bed in front of him. He looked at her slightly confused, before grabbing it. He stared at the screen, eyes never leaving it. He was afraid to look back up at her. 

Finally, Hailey spoke up. "You're disgusting." She turned on her heel and walked out of the bedroom. Brantley grumbled, putting on a pair of boxer briefs and dark wash denim jeans. He stalked down the hallway after her, zipping up his pants as he went. 

"Hails." He called out, but she didn't turn around. He called her name again. Hailey kept going on down the stairs and through the living room. She stopped just shy of the front door as Brantley yelled a third time. 

"Don't!" She screamed in anger. She pointed a finger toward him, stopping him from getting any closer. 

"Hailey, I didn't ask for those. You have to believe me." 

"I don't have to do anything you son of a bitch." She spat, tears flowing freely down her flushed cheeks. 

"Hailey, you know I would never hurt you. Please..." 

"No! Don't you dare come any closer. I swear to the good Lord. You haven't changed one bit." 

Brantley stopped in his place, taken aback by the tone of her voice. His face fell when he saw the tears streaming down one after another. He swallowed hard, putting his hands up in defense. "Hails." He pleaded. 

"Do not call me that. I cannot believe you. I thought that we could make this work. But I was wrong. So wrong. You're still the reckless mother fucker you always have been. Not giving a shit who you hurt in your path. You make me sick." Hailey shook her head violently on the verge of a major breakdown. 

"I am telling you the truth." His voice growing increasingly irritated. He began to walk closer, his muscles rippling with every step forward. 

"Fuck you, Brantley. I am done." Hailey backed herself up against the front door. 

"Hailey, please." His dark green eyes lightening at those words. 

"Go gravel to your little girlfriend. She sure looks like she will take you back in those nude photos." With that, Hailey pushed the front door open. She ran down the sidewalk to her white Jetta parked at the other side of the house. Brantley running out the door after her. Every prayer going up to the Lord that he didn't just lose the love of his life......

ren·e·gade/ˈrenəˌɡād/nounnoun: renegade; plural noun: renegadesa person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.Similar:traitor defectorfollowerARCHAICa person who abandons religion; an apostate.a person who behaves in a rebelliously unconventional manner

A/N: Thank you so so much for the love on this story! Please continue to vote, share, spread the word! Oh and PS ...... keep an eye for a sequel to this coming real soon! ;)

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