Down on the Farm

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Mud was flinging everywhere. Hailey's wild laughter piercing through the hot summer air. Kolby had asked the girls if they wanted to do some four wheeling. Both of them obliged happily. After all, that was one of the reasons Hailey had agreed to come out to the farm. Kolby had the largest of the ATVs. And he knew how to handle it well. Hailey drove with Taylor on the back of hers. Brantley had taken another one out earlier in the day. They hadn't seen him yet along the trails. 

Hailey saw a huge mud hole in the distance. She floored it, sending Taylor's feet flying up as she grabbed for the back of Hailey's black flowy tank top. Hailey laughed as she made it to the mud hole in time to not only get them, but to get Kolby in passing as well. 

Kolby stopped his four wheeler. Hailey circled back around and pulled up next to him facing the opposite direction. 

"You are so getting it later." Kolby pointed at her., a devilish grin upon his lips. 

"Ooops." Hailey shrugged, giving him a sly smile. 

Taylor brushed some mud from her face, when she noticed someone watching from the distance. His green eyes unmistakable under the black baseball cap. She coughed lightly, nudging Hailey. Hailey followed Taylor's gaze to the clearing by the pond. Brantley sitting there watching them fool around. 

Hailey swallowed, looking over at Kolby. Kolby had an idea. The only way to get Brantley to open up and say something about what was going on was to really tick him off right here and now. At the very least, he would start yelling. He tends not to think a whole lot about what he is saying when he is mad to the point of exploding. Kolby stood up and waltzed over to Hailey. Hailey looked up at him, wondering what he was doing. 

"Just go with it, okay?" Kolby whispered, his voice sending chills down Hailey's spine. She nodded quietly. "Taylor, you good to drive the four wheeler by yourself?" 

"Yeah. I've been dying to all day, but Miss Adventurous here hasn't given me the chance." Taylor chuckled, putting her hands on her hips. Kolby put his big, rough hand out for Hailey to take. She obliged, as he helped her off the four wheeler. Taylor scooted up to the driver's position. Kolby walked back over to his four wheeler, hand in hand with Hailey who was trailing slightly behind him. Before she got on the back of his, he stopped her. He slipped his left hand down to her hip and his right underneath her chin. Hailey's heart started beating faster. She could feel it in her throat. Kolby leaned down, his lips stopping an inch from hers. He smirked, then captured her soft pink lips with his. He used his left hand to pull her in to him. Hailey heard Taylor gasp from a few feet away. Kolby intensified the kiss, licking her bottom lip for entry. Hailey allowed him to, getting caught up in the moment. His tongue swirled around her mouth for a minute before she let out a quiet moan. Kolby heard it and almost lost control. He groaned as he pulled away, staying in close proximity to her. 

"Baby girl, I need to stop right here before I get myself in a pickle I may not be able to get out of." His blue eyes looking deep in to hers. 

"Yeah." She replied, licking her lips. The taste of him still present. 

Hailey looked over at Taylor, whose mouth was gaping  like she couldn't believe what she just witnessed. Kolby helped Hailey on to the back of his four wheeler as he slid on in front of her. He nodded his head at Taylor with a huge smile, gesturing back toward the cabin. Taylor followed closely behind. 

They parked the ATVs along the side of the house and hopped off. Brantley's was already in it's place when they arrived. Kolby went to the garage to grab the hose to wash off the vehicles. Taylor staying behind to help him. Hailey walked up on to the front porch, discarding the rubber boots she had on by the front door before she entered the cabin. She opened the door and shut it quietly. She had almost made it to the hallway unnoticed, when a large heavy hand stopped her in her tracks. She turned on her heel to see Brantley standing there. His black baseball cap that she had gotten him pulled down even lower, almost shading his eyes from her completely. 

"What in the hell was that?" He asked, his voice hoarse. 

Hailey swallowed hard. "What are you talking about, B?" 

"You and Kolby must think I am some sort of special if you don't think I see what's going on here. Are you fucking him now?" His fists growing tighter at his sides. 

"Excuse me?" She took a step back. "Even if I was fucking him, I don't see how that is any of your gosh darn business. Where's your fiancee, huh? Shouldn't you be asking her who she is fucking? Because it clearly isn't just you." 

Brantley stopped for a second before he turned and slammed his open hand on the wall next to them, causing Hailey to jump. 

"You are such an asshole, Brantley. You really are. You can't see what's right in front of you. Any of it!" Hot tears streamed down her cheeks, washing away some of the mud still on them. Hailey spun around and hurried to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. 

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