All of It

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The warm tropical breeze came off the clear blue water, gracing her rosy cheeks as she peacefully sat there in the hammock. A large red mug in hand with some delicious hot coffee with vanilla creamer, just how she liked it. The sun had risen about thirty minutes ago. The warmth and light casting a glow against her skin. She took another sip as someone came up behind her, clearing their throat. 

"Good morning." Hailey replied, turning to see Brantley standing there on the dock behind her. 

"Morning." He smiled, bending down to join her. He crawled over, letting his legs dangle over the side. 

They sat there, letting the waves crashing against the dock fill the silence between them. Hailey took a long sip of her coffee, letting the hot liquid slide down her throat. Brantley watched as a boat appeared around the bend, rocking with the small movements of the ocean. Hailey set her red mug down on the dark brown deck behind them, turning toward him as she did. 

"B." She said, playing around with her hands in her lap. 

"What's up, baby girl?" Brantley asked, admiring her profile as she looked out toward the island in the distance. 

Hailey hesitated a moment before turning to look directly in to his green eyes. They were not shaded by the black baseball cap for once. She turned back toward the water, watching the boat Brantley had his sights on a few moments before. 

"What are we doing here?" 

"Well, technically,  we are on my honeymoon." Brantley chuckled lightheartedly. 

Hailey turned her head back to the left to look at him. "Seriously. What are we doing?" 

Brantley closed his eyes, taking in a few breaths. He let out a sigh, the sound of jet skis drowning out his thoughts. Hailey continued to stare at him. She shook her head, certain that she was getting nowhere, as usual. The constant cycle of being friends, not talking, and now throwing sex in the middle of everything was exhausting. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. She was about to get up, when his hand reached over, stopping her. Brantley slid closer, laying his lips on hers. He back off after a couple of seconds, keeping his hand on her cheek. 

"You tell me." His gaze never moved from her blue eyes. 

Hailey was over taken by emotion. She wasn't sure How to respond. A couple fresh tears formed at the corners of her eyes. Brantley's expression changed as he noticed one slip down her cheek on to his hand. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice low. 

Hailey let out a huge sigh, closing her eyes. She opened them, trying to blink away the remaining tears. She collected herself, deciding it was now or never. 

"I am afraid of what you are going to say when I tell you." 

Brantley's eyes softened, almost looking sad at the realization that he was making her feel this way. That she couldn't be completely open with him when they have been best friends for years. 

"Hails. You can tell me anything without being afraid of what I am going to say." He placed his hands against his heart to show how much that hurt him to hear. 

"No I can't. You didn't want to listen to me when I told you about Amber. You walked away from the first time you made love to me. So you have to understand that I am scared to tell you that I want nothing more than...." She trailed off, unsure if she should keep going. 

"Nothing more than what?" His green eyes hopeful. 

"Than to be with you, Brantley. Just the two of us. No Amber. No Kolby. No fans stopping us. Just you and I in an adult relationship. Two people doing life together. Sex and love and passion. Fights and meaningful conversations. All of it." Hailey laid it all on the hammock right there between them. Mama Becky would have been proud. 

Brantley was taken back by the forwardness of her answer. He was expecting something along those lines, but nothing as straight and narrow. Hailey would always shy away from coming out with it when it came to him. He sat there, stroking his hand through his beard. He looked down at the water, contemplating on how to answer her. He looked up at her, the freckles across the bridge of her nose making him smile. The water reflecting in small specks in her blue eyes. 

Brantley finally spoke up, "Before I answer, I have to do go do something." With that, he stood up and stalked down the dock. 

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