Playing Games

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Brantley knocked abrasively on the door, his silver rings clicking against the hard wood. He stood there for a minute with his arms crossed, waiting for someone to answer. He was about to knock again, when it swung open. 

"Can I help you?" The male voice asked, almost challenging him from the get go. 

"I want to speak to Amber, please." Brantley's expression matching the his hands turning in to fists under his crossed arms. 

"For what?" The guy asked, taking up space in the doorway. 

"Nothing that concerns you. Don't force me to make you regret your decision. Just send her out here." Brantley didn't raise his voice or stand any taller to get his point across. He calmly stepped back to let Amber out on  to the little patio that led to her room at the main resort. 

"You can go back inside. I'll be right there." Amber's southern voice giving her boyfriend simple instructions as she placed her tiny hand on his exposed chest. He looked down at her and rolled his eyes, heading back in to the beautifully spacious suite. 

"Tired of what's her name already? Coming back to gravel for me?" Amber spun around, leaning against the closed door. 

"You wish." Brantley snorted. 

Amber gave him a look that could kill. She mimicked him, crossing her arms. "Then what do you want?" 

"I want to end things right here, right now. No more contacting me. No more showing up. No more late night calls. I am done." 

"Is this coming from you or from her? Because I seem to remember a few nights ago that you didn't tell me no when I sent those pictures." A devilish grin spreading across her face. 

"Amber, I mean it." He groaned, trying to forget the night before he left for the trip. "We are done." 

"Fine," She began to whine. " But you are going to be sorry. Mark my words." 

"Doubt it." Brantley replied, nodding his head. With that, he turned back toward the bungalow. 

Hailey pulled on her blue and white striped two piece bikini, throwing her chocolate brown mess up in a bun. She turned off the light in the bathroom that was attached the bedroom and walked out in to the living area. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard a cough come from the couch. 

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, B. You nearly scared me straight out of my skin." Hailey huffed. 

"Yeah, but the look on your face was priceless." He let out a great big belly laugh. The first one in a very long time. 

Hailey shook her head, rolling her eyes. She was about to walk outside on to the deck, but he stopped her, calling out her name. She whipped around, one hand holding on to the glass door for balance. 


"Yes, what?" She asked, confused. 

"Yes. I want to be in a relationship with you. But..." He replied, standing up. 

Her heart sank. She was hoping that maybe he would have forgotten about her pouring her heart out to him earlier this morning. No such luck. And then the but at the end of his sentence. She knew where this was going to go. 

"Brantley, I get it. It's fine." She waved her hand at him, trying to dismiss the emotions that were starting to cloud her mind. 

"But...." He continued, walking up to about a foot away from her. " We need to talk about that sex, love, and passion part..... because I am going to require a good amount of all three, especially the first one." 

Hailey's eyes lightened, almost to the point of tears. She wasn't sure if her ears had heard him correctly. Brantley closed the gap between the two of them, his face an inch away from hers. The smell of cedar intoxicating. He eyed her lips before claiming them with his. Hailey pulled away, looking up in to his green eyes. 

"I think I can handle that." She whispered, a sinful grin displaying itself across her features. 

His smile matched hers as he went back in for a kiss. This time he bit her bottom lip that was swollen from the previous kiss. She opened her mouth slightly, letting him in. His tongue taking charge, swirling around her mouth. Hailey let out a low moan, trying not to come undone. Brantley reached for her, hoisting her up in his muscular arms that were on display. He started walking out on to the dock, never breaking away from her lips. He kept going until they came to the very edge of the dock. Hailey rocked her hips in his arms, rubbing her body against his. Brantley growled, nipping at her. 

"That's how you want to play, huh?" He asked, his voice thick with insinuation. 

Hailey narrowed her eyes on him, cocking an eyebrow. "Mhmm." 

"Well then, two can play this game." With that, Brantley threw Hailey in to the ocean below, receiving a loud squeal before she hit the cold water. 

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