Friday Night

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Kolby had called Brantley to talk about what was going on. Wes was like a nasty bug that crawled under your skin and never left. Kind of like Amber. Hailey sat on Kolby's couch, a cup of coffee like usual. Her mind wandering. Two years ago she thought her life was going to end. She thanked her lucky stars for Brantley and Kolby, who had found her laying in her Mama's driveway. Brusises and cracked ribs. A black eye. Brantley swore that if he ever saw Wes again, he was going to tear his ass up. And that he had two bullets with his name on them. Hailey had argued not to get Brantley involved this time. That he had much bigger things to worry about. And not to mention the fact that Hailey hadn't spoken to him since he asked her to leave the cabin. 

Warm tears started to trickle down her cheeks like the little stream that ran through the middle of town. Kolby glanced over his shoulder from the kitchen as he was finishing up his conversation. He hung up with Brantley and placed his phone on the dining table. He walked over to her on the couch, sitting down. 

"Hails." He spoke quietly, engulfing her in a huge bear hug. Hailey let the flood gates go as soon as she felt his large muscular arms around her. Her life felt like it was crashing down around her and she had no idea what to do. She was normally the girl that had it all figured out, all together. And now, it was like she was going through the motions day by day. 

Hailey pulled away from Kolby's embrace, wiping the tears away furiously with the back of her hands. "Kolby, I can't do this anymore." She confessed. 

"Can't do what, baby girl?" His eyes full of curiosity as he searched her face. 

"My life is a complete shit show. I'm fearing for my life. My house is like a bomb had gone off. I haven't seen Taylor in days. Brantley and I haven't spoken. I'm losing my nest friend to a good for nothing, two timing bitch. And my feelings are all over the place." 

Kolby sat back, running his hands through his hair before he replaced his hat back on on his head. "Hailey, that is a lot to unpack right now. Let's not focus on anything but your safety." 

Hailey sighed, knowing he was right. There was so much more to everything she had just mentioned. It would be a miracle to try and analyze it all at this moment. "Not to mention, I have to help throw an engagement party for a man that I wish I was marrying." 

Kolby adjusted his posture, sitting up. He wasn't sure if he had just heard her correctly. Did she just admit to having more feelings for Brantley than anyone had even fathomed. Hailey looked down at her mug of hor coffee, feeling the steam against her skin. She just blurted out everything she had been holding in. And she didn't even mean to. In the midst of the conversation the two were having, they hadn't heard the back door opening. A tall muscular figure standing in the middle of the kitchen, their eyes fixated on the couch. The black baseball cap pulled down further than usual. He stood there in his spot for a minute before he cleared his throat. 

Hailey shot her head up from looking down at her mug. She nearly choked on the warm liquid from taking a sip when she saw him standing there, his arms folded across his tight chest. Great, as if her life couldn't get any more complicated at the moment. 

"B." Hailey spoke up, gazing in to his lightened green eyes. 

"Where is he?" He asked, unmoving. 

"I don't know. He was still at McGee's when I left. Who knows where he could have gone from there." 

Brantley let his arms down by his side, taking a few steps in to the living room. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine." Hailey replied back, rubbing her shoulder subconsciously. 

"Did he touch you?" 

Hailey wanted to lie and say no. But she knew Brantley would have her behind if he found out that she didn't tell him the whole truth. " He squeezed my shoulder pretty good. It's a little bruised. But I am fine. I promise." 

Brantley's face fell. His hands turning in to clenched balls at his side. 

"Brant, don't go after him. It's not worth it. She can stay here with me for as long as she wants. You have bigger things to worry about right now." Kolby tried to turn the tables around to take the pressure off Hailey. He wasn't sure how much of the conversation Brantley had heard, if any. 

Brantley was quiet. He had a look on his face that Hailey had never seen before. "If I ever see him again, he will be dead." He promised, a low growl escaping his throat. With that, Brantley left through the back door. Hailey remained on the couch and Kolby went and brewed a second pot of coffee. He was sure this was going to be a long Friday night. 

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