Engagement Party

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Hailey could hear the faint sound of rustling around in the kitchen as she lay awake under the cozy comforter of Kolby's spare bedroom. The sun was shining through the blinds, casting shadows along the closet doors. She raised a hand to her forehead. It was pounding and no amount of aspirin could even touch it. She contemplated staying in that queen size bed a little longer, but Kolby knocked on the door, jarring her from her thoughts. 

"Rise and shine baby girl. It's 9 o'clock and we need to get our hind parts over to Mama's before she throws a hissy fit." Kolby stood in the doorway, holding on to the brushed nickel door knob. 

"Mmmm." Hailey groaned, looking over at him. He offered up a chuckle and shut the door gently, as not to aggravate her headache anymore. Hailey sighed, pushing herself up to a sitting position. She hesitated before throwing the comforter back, placing her feet on the hard wood floor of the room. She stood up, stretching toward the white ceiling. A yawn escaping her soft pink lips. She grabbed her clothes and walked across the hall to the bathroom, showering quickly. 

Kolby got himself together as he changed in to a non-ripped pair of dark wash denim jeans, a light blue short sleeve henley top, and a nice pair of boots. He could clean up well when the occasion warranted. Hailey stepped out of the bathroom, a trail of steam following her. He pale yellow maxi sundress against her tanning skin. Her chocolate brown hair down, pin straight. Gold hoops adorning her ears, matching her gold sandals. Kolby stopped in his tracks as he laid eyes on her. Brantley sure was a fool. 

He shook his head, " You almost ready?" 

"Yeah, let me just grab my duffel out of the bedroom." Hailey smiled, freckles starting to peak out over the bridge of her nose. She walked in to the room, grabbing her stuff. She gave herself a once over in the mirror by the doorway. Good enough she thought as she headed out the door. 

About twenty minutes later, Kolby pulled up in to Becky's driveway. He quickly hopped out and ran around to open the door for Hailey. The two of them walked up the steps to the front porch. Kolby opened the door without knocking, Hailey in tow. 

"Well, well, well. I'm glad you two finally decided to show up." Becky was standing at the kitchen island, whipping something in a stainless steel mixing bowl. 

"Ma, it's like 10:15. The party isn't for a couple of hours." Kolby rolled his eyes. 

"You did not just roll your eyes at me, did you?" Becky questioned without even lifting her gaze from what she was doing. 

Kolby looked at Hailey as if to say 'how in the world'. Hailey let out a giggle, stifling it as Becky eyed her suspiciously. 

"Mama Becky, what can I help you with?" Hailey asked, walking closer. She set her purse on the recliner by the big bay window in the living room. 

"Be a doll and cut up those fresh veggies over there." Becky pointed behind her. 

"Sure thing." Hailey walked over to the counter and started cutting up some cucumbers and broccoli for the veggie tray. 

Kolby went out the back door to the deck. He started grabbing chairs and placed them around the back yard at the folding tables. Cream colored table cloths blowing in the slight Saturday morning breeze. Taylor joined shortly after they had arrived. The four of them set up the food and decorations just in time for guests to start arriving at 1pm. Word was that Brantley and Amber would be on their way in about fifteen minutes. That meant that Hailey had fifteen minutes to come up with an excuse to leave early. 

The buzz of chatter and laughter filled the air as Mama Becky went around greeting everyone. The clinking of mason jars filled with fresh sweet tea graced Hailey's ears as she poured herself some white wine. There was no fooling around today. 

"Easy there, killer." Taylor replied, walking up next to Hailey as she downed more than half her glass of Moscato. 

As Hailey was about to protest, everyone started clapping and cheering. Hailey spun around to see Brantley and Amber, hand in hand standing on the back porch. Amber's tiny frame masked by a flowy royal blue dress that hit her ankles. Wedge sandals peeping out. Brantley in a nice pair of jeans, a plain black t-shirt and nice boots. No black baseball cap, but he wouldn't forget to put on those silver rings and leather cuffs. Hailey's blue eyes met his green ones. She bit her bottom lip. The tension making her feel awkward. This was going to be interesting, she thought as she gulped down the rest of her wine, placing her glass on the table nearby. 

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